Thursday, January 3, 2013

St. Louis Police Chief In Favor Of Stronger Gun Laws | FOX2now ...

ST. LOUIS, MO (KTVI)? The new St. Louis city police chief says he?s in favor of much stronger gun control laws.

St. Louis County Police Chief Tim Fitch has said he favors armed guards and guns in schools after the Connecticut school massacre.?

But Chief Sam Dotson, who took over the police chief?s job in the city Tuesday, is in favor of much tougher gun laws.

?More guns is never the answer. We have to find ways to take guns off of the street. There?s no room in society for assault rifles. There?s no room in society for high-capacity magazines. I understand the second amendment issues, but we have to find ways to get guns off of the streets and out of the hands of criminals,? said Chief Dotson.

Chief Dotson also says he favors a civilian review board, where a panel of civilians could review and question police disciplinary decisions.


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