Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Romney Inches Ahead in New Ohio Poll; Weekend Polls Show Obama in the Lead

Polls released since Friday show a mixed bag of results, with both President Barack Obama and Gov. Mitt Romney able to claim the lead in Ohio. With only one week left before Election Day, Obama won many of the weekend polls, but Romney inched ahead in more than just Ohio. The race is as unsettled as it's been all month, and with Hurricane Sandy barreling down on the Mid-Atlantic coast, more chaos is in store.


President Obama won two out of four polls released since Sunday, and tied in a third. Rasmussen's latest poll of 750 likely voters, released Monday, found Romney ahead by two points, 50-48 percent. The margin of error was 4 percent. An Ohio News poll, released Sunday but taken almost one week ago, found the race tied at 49 percent. The poll surveyed 1,015 likely voters with a 3.1 percent margin of error. A Gravis Marketing poll of 730 likely voters gave Obama a one-point lead over Romney, 50-49 percent. The poll's margin of error was 3.6 percent. And a Public Policy Polling poll found Obama ahead by four, 51-47 percent. The poll of 718 likely voters had a margin of error of 3.7 percent. Obama has maintained a small but consistent lead in Ohio in October, trailing Romney in only four polls all month.


The latest American Research Group poll of Colorado put Romney back into the lead. In a poll of 600 likely voters, Romney led by one point, 48-47 percent. The poll had a 4 percent margin of error. Colorado has been close for most of the month, with Romney winning seven polls, Obama winning six and one poll showing them tied.


A new CNN poll of Florida found Romney ahead of Obama. A poll of 770 likely voters preferred Romney by one percent, 50-49 percent. The poll's margin of error was 3.5 percent. Similarly to Ohio, Florida has been leaning one way most of the month, in this case towards Romney. Romney has had a small but reliable lead in October, winning all but four polls this month. But one of those losses came this weekend. A Public Policy Polling poll released Sunday had Obama ahead by one, 49-48 percent. The poll of 687 likely voters had a 3.7 percent margin of error.

National Polls

Five new national polls show Romney continues to run well nationally, but the race is definitely tightening. A Pew Research poll of 1,495 likely voters found the two candidates tied at 47 percent. Both of the major national tracking polls still show Romney ahead. The Gallup Seven Day Tracking Poll gave Romney a five point advantage, 51-46 percent, but the Rasmussen Three Day Tracking Poll found Romney with only a two point edge, 49-47 percent. A Politico poll found Obama ahead by one point, 49-48 percent, while a Washington Post/ABC News poll found Romney ahead by the same result.

Source: http://news.yahoo.com/romney-inches-ahead-ohio-poll-weekend-polls-show-195600576.html

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