Friday, September 14, 2012

No Exit: The future of the U.S.- Pakistan Relationship | World Affairs ...

Dr. Markey will speak about the past, present, and future of US-Pakistan relations with an eye to the question of why the relationship remains vitally important to the United States even after the death of bin Laden and, looking to 2014, after NATO reduces its military presence in Afghanistan.?He will share his views on the character of the Pakistani state and society; describe the wellsprings of anti-Americanism in Pakistan; offer a critique of U.S. policies in its dealings with Pakistan since 9/11; and take a quick tour of Pakistan?s regional relationships, especially India and China. He concludes by outlining Washington?s main strategic options for the future.

Speaker Biography

Daniel Markey is senior fellow for India, Pakistan, and South Asia at the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR), where he specializes in security and governance issues in South Asia. He is currently writing a book on the future of the U.S.-Pakistan relationship.

From 2003 to 2007, Dr. Markey held the South Asia portfolio on the Secretary?s Policy Planning Staff at the U.S. Department of State. Prior to government service, he taught in the Department of Politics at Princeton University, where he served as executive director of Princeton?s Research Program in International Security. Earlier, he was a postdoctoral fellow at Harvard?s Olin Institute for Strategic Studies.

Dr. Markey recently served as project director of the CFR-sponsored Independent Task Force on U.S. strategy in Pakistan and Afghanistan, which was co-chaired by former Deputy Secretary of State Richard L. Armitage and former National Security Adviser Samuel R. Berger. He is the author of numerous publications, including a chapter of the Random House e-book?Beyond bin Laden: America and the Future of Terror; the September 2011 CFR Asia Security Memorandum?Pakistan Contingencies; the May 2011 CFR Policy Innovation Memorandum,?Next Steps for Pakistan Strategy; the January 2010 CFR Contigency Planning Memorandum,?Terrorism and Indo-Pakistani Escalation; the June 2009?Asia Policy?article, ?Developing India?s Foreign Policy Software;? and the August 2008 Council Special Report,?Securing Pakistan?s Tribal Belt. Dr. Markey?s commentary has been featured in many newspapers, including the?New York Times,?Washington Post,?Wall Street Journal, and?Los Angeles Times. He has appeared on PBS, CNN, BBC, NPR, CBS, ABC, and C-SPAN.

Dr. Markey earned a bachelor?s degree in international studies from The Johns Hopkins University and a doctorate in politics from Princeton University.



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