Saturday, September 29, 2012

Second dog death prompts concerns about pets on planes


20 hrs.

As another dog owner mourns the death of his pet after a?flight, there?s growing concern about the safety of beloved furry companions in?the cargo holds of commercial airlines.

?We all think it?s kind of like us, you get on your plane?and everything is nice and they?re our pets, so they must be taking care of them?too,? said Michael Jarboe, whose dog Bam Bam died after a United Airlines flight?last month.

?But what I found out is, when you check your pet, you run?the exact same risk of them not showing up as you do with your luggage. That?s?kind of sobering.?

Jarboe is sharing his story just days after model Maggie?Rizer said the negligence of United resulted in the death of her two-year-old?golden retriever Bea.

United?expressed condolences in both cases.

?We have?been in contact with Mr. Jarboe and are saddened by the loss of his dog, Bam?Bam. The safety of the animals we transport is always considered first and?foremost when making decisions regarding their routing and carriage,? United?said in a statement to NBC News.

Jarboe and his partner flew from Miami to San Francisco with?Bam?Bam on Aug. 28. The two-and-a-half-year-old Neopolitan Mastiff had flown?four times before ? twice on United ? without any problems, Jarboe said.

There were direct connections available on other airlines,?but Jarboe booked a United flight with a layover in Houston specifically?because he was impressed with the carrier?s PetSafe program.

The service promises plane compartments that are pressurized?in the same way as passenger cabins, climate-controlled facilities and??personal handling in climate-controlled vehicles? for connections in United's?hubs, if the animal is exposed to temperatures greater than 85?F for more than?45 minutes.

?I had such trust in United and everything that they?promised me,? Jarboe, who lives in Miami Beach, Fla., told NBC News.?Bam Bam?s?transport cost $650 each way.

It was 95 degrees when the plane landed in Houston, Jarboe?said. After a layover of about three hours, he and his partner boarded and looked?for the air-conditioned van that they thought would bring their dog, but Bam?Bam arrived instead in a regular metal boxed luggage cart, Jarboe said.

?We had a direct shot, I could see right inside his kennel?and I have never seen him that hot ? ever,? Jarboe recalled. ?His tongue was?hanging out so far, it couldn't have hung out any farther, he just looked?awful. I kept thinking, why is he not on a van??

When they arrived in San Francisco, they were told the dog?didn?t make it, Jarboe recalled. The cause of death was acute cardiovascular?collapse, according to a letter sent to Jarboe by United, which paid for the?dog?s?necropsy.

?The untimely death of Bam Bam was not a result of transit-related handling,? the airline said in the letter signed by Cheryl Ortiz,?United?s cargo claims manager. Writing back to United, Jarboe called the?finding ?naive and absurd? and said Bam Bam?s vet described what Jarboe?witnessed in Houston as a ?recipe for a heat stroke.?

When asked why a climate-controlled vehicle wasn?t used to?transport the dog, United would only say that it brought Bam Bam to a holding?area for greater comfort?during his connection. The holding facilities are USDA Animal?Welfare-approved and provide ample room and air ventilation, as well as regular?monitoring and watering provided by trained PetSafe personnel, United said.

The airline has refunded the dog?s transport fare and is?working with Jarboe on additional compensation.

If you?re a pet owner, you should know that The?Humane Society of the United States recommends that you do not transport yourpet by air unless absolutely necessary.?

Excessively hot or cold temperatures, poor ventilation,scarcity of oxygen, and rough handling all contribute to animal deaths, the?group says on its website.

Between?January 2012 and July 2012, 17 pets died and another 17 were injured on?commercial airlines, according to reports issued by the U.S. Department of?Transportation.

In?2011, 35 pets died while flying, but only two of those losses were suffered on?United, which had the lowest number of animal deaths that year.

The DOT is now considering a new rule that would expand how airlines report the number of animals that were lost, injured, or died during air transport.

In the meantime, Jarboe is mourning the loss of Bam Bam.

?It never occurred to me that when he was down in the hold he was dying,? he said.


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Warning signs seen before actor's violent end

FILE - This Sept. 14, 2011 file photo shows actor Johnny Lewis posing for a portrait during the 36th Toronto International Film Festival in Toronto, Canada. Authorities say Lewis fell to his death after killing an elderly Los Angeles woman. Lewis appeared in the FX television show "Sons of Anarchy," for two seasons. The woman killed is identified as 81-year-old Catherine Davis. (AP Photo/Carlo Allegri, file)

FILE - This Sept. 14, 2011 file photo shows actor Johnny Lewis posing for a portrait during the 36th Toronto International Film Festival in Toronto, Canada. Authorities say Lewis fell to his death after killing an elderly Los Angeles woman. Lewis appeared in the FX television show "Sons of Anarchy," for two seasons. The woman killed is identified as 81-year-old Catherine Davis. (AP Photo/Carlo Allegri, file)

FILE - This Sept. 14, 2011 file photo shows actor Johnny Lewis posing for a portrait during the 36th Toronto International Film Festival in Toronto, Canada. Authorities say Lewis fell to his death after killing an elderly Los Angeles woman. Lewis appeared in the FX television show "Sons of Anarchy," for two seasons. The woman killed is identified as 81-year-old Catherine Davis. (AP Photo/Carlo Allegri, file)

(AP) ? An attorney for an actor who killed his landlady before plunging to his death believes a drug-induced psychosis was responsible for his former client's violent outburst.

Authorities on Friday searched for a motive behind the slaying by Johnny Lewis, who once worked on the TV drama "Sons of Anarchy."

Investigators found 81-year-old Catherine Davis and Lewis dead Wednesday morning after neighbors reported a woman screaming inside her home. Police said Lewis is the only suspect in the slaying and they will await toxicology tests to determine if the actor was under the influence of drugs or alcohol.

Attorney Jonathan Mandel says drugs may have played a factor in the attack on the elderly woman and added Lewis had recently struggled with serious mental health issues.

Associated Press


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Catalysis: Optimizing water splitting

ScienceDaily (Sep. 28, 2012) ? Computer simulations of a metal-sulfide alloy unlock the secrets to designing solar-powered catalysts that generate hydrogen fuel from water.

Partnerships can pay off when it comes to converting solar into chemical energy. By modeling a cadmium sulfide (CdS)-zinc sulfide (ZnS) alloy with special computational techniques, a Singapore-based research team has identified the key photocatalytic properties that enable this chemical duo to 'split' water molecules into a fuel, hydrogen gas (H2). The theoretical study was published by Jianwei Zheng from the A*STAR Institute of High Performance Computing and his co-workers.

Chemists had already identified CdS and ZnS semiconductors as promising photocatalysts for water splitting. However, both came with a drawback related to the size of their so-called 'band gap' -- the energy difference between occupied and unoccupied electronic states that determine photo-activity. While CdS can readily harvest solar energy because of its small band gap, it needs a metal co-catalyst to produce H2. On the other hand, ZnS requires high-energy ultraviolet light to initiate water splitting owing to its large band gap.

Recently chemists had overcome these problems by alloying CdS and ZnS together into a 'solid solution': a physical state where Zn ions are distributed homogenously inside the crystal lattice of CdS. Altering the proportion of ZnS in these alloys enables production of photocatalysts with tunable responses to visible light and high H2 evolution rates in water. Improving the design of a Cd-ZnS solid solution is difficult, because its underlying mechanism is poorly understood.

As a workaround, Zheng and his co-workers used a technique known as 'special quasi-random structures' (SQS) to mimic a completely random alloy with a series of small, periodic models. After carefully working to correlate experimental random hexagonal crystals with their SQS approximations, they calculated the electronic properties of the Cd-ZnS solid solution using hybrid density functional theory -- a computational method that gives accurate descriptions of band gaps.

When the researchers gradually increased the Zn content of their model alloy, they saw that the band gap deviated from a linear combination of the two components. This effect, known as band 'bowing', arises from volume deformations within the Cd-ZnS solid solution and is an essential parameter for predicting catalytic solar H2 production.

Further calculations revealed that the alloy's high catalytic activity stemmed from obvious elevation of the position of unoccupied electronic states, and a subtle change in the position of occupied electronic states, as the amount of Zn increased. But to retain strong light harvesting capabilities and to avoid premature corrosion, the team proposes an equal ratio of ZnS to CdS for optimal photocatalytic water splitting.

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The above story is reprinted from materials provided by The Agency for Science, Technology and Research (A*STAR).

Note: Materials may be edited for content and length. For further information, please contact the source cited above.

Journal Reference:

  1. Jian-Chun Wu, Jianwei Zheng, Chelsey L. Zacherl, Ping Wu, Zi-Kui Liu, Rong Xu. Hybrid Functionals Study of Band Bowing, Band Edges and Electronic Structures of Cd1?xZnxS Solid Solution. The Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 2011; 115 (40): 19741 DOI: 10.1021/jp204799q

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Disclaimer: Views expressed in this article do not necessarily reflect those of ScienceDaily or its staff.


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GOP donor among 2 indicted in alleged resort scam

Mitt Romney with Tiffany and James Catledge at 2010 fundraiser for Meg Whitman, GOP candidate for California governor.

By Dan

Two figures at the center of an alleged $164 million real estate scam marketed out of South Florida have been indicted by a federal grand jury in San Francisco on mail fraud and conspiracy charges.

James B. Catledge, an investment guru who has a history of being a major Republican Party donor, and Canadian businessman Derek F.C. Elliott, are accused of fraudulently soliciting $91.3 million from investors to build a resort in the Dominican Republic that never opened.

Each man faces up to 20 years in prison, and a maximum fine that is twice the value of the property involved.

The six-page indictment announced Friday is a bare-bones document that, despite the enormous sums involved, provides few details about the scope of the alleged fraud, how many people were burned or the identities of victims.

The indictment grew out of an FBI investigation that began 2 1/2 years ago during a civil racketeering lawsuit in Miami federal court filed by 230 disgruntled investors in the ill-fated EMI Sun Village Resort and Spa.

Broward reported in January 2010 that court-appointed special master Thomas Scott, a Miami lawyer and former federal judge and U.S. Attorney, had found evidence that Sun Village was actually a huge ?Ponzi-style? scheme. He recommended that U.S and Canadian law enforcement investigate.

?The unassailable fact (is) that thousands of investors/owners and by extension their families in the U.S. and Canada, as well as other countries, have been financially destroyed,? Scott wrote in his 50-page report.

Indictment details
According to the indictment, Elliott was the president of various hospitality businesses in the Dominican Republic, including a pair of resorts. Catledge is a motivational speaker and the founder of several marketing companies that, among other things, sold investments in island resorts.

In 2005, the pair took out a 2005 bank loan to buy an old hotel near Santo Domingo they named the Sun Village Juan Dolio resort. They began renovations and recruited investors through Catledge?s Nevada-based sales and marketing companies Impact Inc. and Net Worth Solutions.

Sun Village marketed its Dominican properties out of an office in Doral in western Miami-Dade County. Money that flowed in was routed through an account at a Citibank branch in Tamarac, the Miami lawsuit said.

According to a statement released by prosecutors, Catledge and Elliott?s sales pitch ?failed to tell investors that the full commissions being taken on their investment were approximately 44 percent, that the renovations were underfunded, that investors? money was being used on other projects, and the returns they promised were unsupportable and could not be achieved.

The Miami special master?s report described Catledge as ?the main architect of the Ponzi scheme.?

Catledge and Elliott diverted nearly $69 million from investors to commissions, other projects and to pay ?guaranteed? interest to early investors, the indictment said.

?Real estate secrets of the wealthy?
More details are contained in related, but non-criminal charges brought in May by the Securities and Exchange Commission?against Catledge and Elliott. The principal allegation is that the men were involved in the fraudulent offering of unregistered investments for Juan Dolio and another Sun Village resort, Cofresi.

The SEC?s complaint contends the two men raised nearly $164 million selling timeshares and other ownership interests to approximately 1,200 investors between 2004 and 2009.? The complaint also stated the pair promised investors 5 to 12 percent annual returns, while also assuring that principal investments remained safe.

Catledge and Elliott used various sales materials to convince people to use their home equity and savings to invest in securities tied to the resorts, the SEC complaint said. One visual presentation was titled, ?Real Estate Secrets of the Wealthy.?

Neither the indictment nor the SEC complaint details what happened to the millions that Catledge and Elliott allegedly siphoned away from investors.

The SEC, however, said Catledge set up a trust in the South Pacific?s Cook Islands where he funneled more than $15 million in commissions that bypassed his marketing company. He and his families were the only beneficiaries.

Court papers filed in the now-closed investor litigation in Miami say the money went to pay for the lavish lifestyle and gambling debts of the resorts? developers.

The SEC complaint says that Elliott and his father, former Sunrise resident Frederick Elliott, originally purchased the Cofresi resort in 2003 and a year later needed additional funds to finish construction work. A mutual friend suggested they talk to Catledge, who could help them raise the capital they needed.

Net Worth sales associates soon began soliciting potential investors.

Both Juan Dolio and Cofresi were ultimately foreclosed. Investors were wiped out when both projects were sold at public auction in late 2009.

The Miami special master?s report blamed Elliott and his father for ?mismanagement and/or essential theft of investor monies? that ultimately delivered ?the fatal blows to the investors.?

Still, prosecutors or SEC attorneys have not accused Frederick Elliott of any wrongdoing.

The SEC?s complaint seeks disgorgement of all of Catledge and Derek Elliott?s allegedly ill-gotten gains. Also sought: fines and permanent injunctions against them and EMI Sun Village.

Big political donor
In 2008, while authorities contend the scam was in operation, Catledge contributed more than $100,000 to the Republican National Committee, John McCain?s presidential campaign and other Republican causes.

Catledge and his wife, Tiffany, also contributed to Mitt Romney?s 2008 presidential campaign before he dropped out of the race.

On May 28, 2008, Catledge and his wife attended what the Deseret News in Salt Lake City reported was a $70,000-a-couple dinner with President George W. Bush at Mitt and Ann Romney?s vacation home in Deer Valley, Utah.

In April 2010, the Catledges attended a California fundraiser for Republican gubernatorial candidate Meg Whitman. California records show Catledge gave $30,000 to Whitman?s unsuccessful bid.

Catledge has reported no contributions to federal candidates this election cycle.

Catledge?s attorney, Las Vegas celebrity lawyer David Chesnoff, was unavailable for comment. He previously said his client maintains his innocence.

?He categorically denies engaging in any criminal conduct,? Chesnoff said.

Romney?s 2012 presidential campaign did not respond to a request for comment.

Supporters of President Barack Obama and his various campaigns also have been linked to alleged wrongdoing, both criminal and civil.

Antoin "Tony" Rezko, a Chicago businessman and longtime Obama fundraiser, was convicted of fraud and bribery charges in 2008 in connection with an attempt to extort millions of dollars from businesses seeking to do business with Illinois state agencies. He was sentenced to 10 ? years in prison.

In April, the Associated Press reported that Abake Assongba, ?a major New York donor to Obama, had been accused in a civil lawsuit in Florida of defrauding a businessman and impersonating a bank official.

Despite last week?s indictment, neither Catledge nor Elliott have been arrested.

Catledge, 45, who lives in Rancho Santa Fe, California, received a summons and is due for arraignment Oct. 5, according to the U.S. Attorney?s Office in San Francisco.

No court date has been scheduled for Elliot, 42, who lives near Toronto. The spokesman declined comment when asked if prosecutors consider Elliott a fugitive. is a Florida-based nonprofit, independent and nonpartisan?news organization?that seeks to provide authoritative reporting in the public interest while upholding high standards of fairness and accuracy.

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Cisco CEO: Next US president must take page from Clinton's book

NEW YORK (Reuters) - Cisco Systems Inc CEO John Chambers, a supporter of Mitt Romney, says the country's next head of state should take his cues from former President Bill Clinton, regardless of who emerges as the victor in November's election.

"There's a lot to learn from President Clinton. It kills me as a strong Republican saying it, but he was the most effective president during my lifetime," Chambers told Reuters in an interview on Tuesday.

Chambers said Clinton worked with businesses to generate jobs and growth in real income for families, while taking the budget from a deficit to a surplus.

"And when business got out of line, he smacked them," Chambers said.

Some technology industry leaders view President Barack Obama as anti-business because of uncertainty blamed on the Dodd-Frank financial regulation reform and healthcare overhaul.

Obama was the darling of the technology world during his campaign in 2008, but Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney, a former private equity executive, has made inroads in Silicon Valley.

"The business community is very comfortable with Romney," Chambers said.

But no matter who won, the challenges remained the same.

"If we don't deal with the fiscal cliff and don't deal with predictability on taxes for both citizens and business, with the rest of the world in a struggling state, this is really bad for us," he added.

The "fiscal cliff" refers to the impact of around $500 billion in expiring tax cuts and automatic spending reductions set for 2013 as a result of successive failures by Congress to agree on some orderly alternative method of reducing budget deficits.

Asked if he would consider accepting a political appointment himself, Chambers said he had been asked by previous administrations but turned them down.

"I don't enjoy politics," he said. "I like to get things done and I like Republicans and Democrats, and that doesn't always work well."

About his own future at Cisco, where he has been in charge for almost 18 years, Chambers repeated he would not be in that role in two to four years and that the company had a few candidates as potential successors.

"We have always had a hit-by-the-bus scenario that's Gary Moore for me," Chambers said, speaking of Cisco's Chief Operating Officer.

Cisco wanted any transition to be as smooth as possible and there were around 10 candidates who were potential candidates.

"When we evolve the CEO you shouldn't even notice it is happening," Chambers said. "We have a next generation of leaders at multiple levels. We have three to five at the first wave and probably four to five in the second."

He said the company made a point of moving executives around to ensure they were not "kept in silos," citing Edzard Overbeek as an example. Overbeek was head of Cisco's sales in the Asia Pacific region, but was recently named senior vice president for global.

(Editing by Andre Grenon)


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Wednesday, September 26, 2012

September 26 is National Women's Health & Fitness Day ...

By Editor, on September 26th, 2012

Women Exercise for National Women's Health & Fitness Day - September 26, 2012 (Image courtesy of Wikipedia Commons)September 26 has been designated as ?National Women?s Health & Fitness Day,? an annual health observance sponsored and organized by the Health Information Resource Center, dedicated to promoting women?s health and fitness.

The Health Information Resource Center (HIRC), a national clearinghouse for consumer health information professionals, states that this is the 11th annual National Women?s Health & Fitness Day, an event which is ?organized as a public/private good health partnership.? The event ?will offer fitness and health events for women at community locations that include hospitals, health clubs, park and recreation departments, health departments, schools, retirement communities, houses of worship, senior centers, and others,? its sponsor says.

?Our goal for this national event is to encourage women to take control of their health: to learn the facts they need to make smart health choices, and to make time for regular physical activity,? Patricia Henze, Executive Director of the Health Information Resource Centers, said in a news release issued by the organization.

Following is the news release issued by the Health Information Resource Center about the event:

National Women's Health & Fitness Day (Logo from Health Information Resource Center)
For Immediate Release

11th Annual National Women?s Health & Fitness Day
to be held September 26, 2012

On Wednesday, September 26, 2012, an estimated 100,000 women of all ages will participate in local health and fitness events at more than 1,000 community locations across the country as part of the 11th Annual National Women?s Health & Fitness Daysm. This event, the first of its kind, will always be held the last Wednesday in September as part of National Women?s Health & Fitness Week celebrations throughout the United States.

Organized as a public/private good health partnership by the Health Information Resource Center (HIRC), National Women?s Health & Fitness Day will offer fitness and health events for women at community locations that include hospitals, health clubs, park and recreation departments, health departments, schools, retirement communities, houses of worship, senior centers, and others.

Local women?s events held on Wednesday, September 26, 2012 will include fitness walks, exercise demonstrations, health fairs and health information workshops. Most local events will include an exercise or physical activity component, as well as educational information about women?s health and fitness.

?Our goal for this national event is to encourage women to take control of their health: to learn the facts they need to make smart health choices, and to make time for regular physical activity,? adds Patricia Henze, Executive Director of the Health Information Resource Centersm, organizer of the event. Henze adds, ?Women?s Health & Fitness Day is also designed to showcase the many women?s health resources available through the local organizations that will host events on Wednesday, September 26, 2012.?

Organizations interested in hosting a National Women?s Health & Fitness Day event must register by paying a $29.95 event registration fee (plus shipping). Registered organizations will receive a valuable Women?s Health & Fitness Day event manual and sample event incentive items ? T-shirt, balloons, posters, etc. The event manual is an easy-to-use guide with all of the information needed to host a successful event ? activity suggestions, posters, press releases, copyright-free women?s health reproducible masters for distribution, and more.

To help promote the 11th year?s event, the HIRC is sponsoring a Women?s Health & Fitness Day Theme Contest. Women ages 18 and older are encouraged to submit a short phrase or sentence that reinforces the importance of health and fitness for women. The contest deadline is Friday, July 27, 2012, and women may submit post cards or letters to: 2012 Women?s Health & Fitness Day Theme Contest, P.O. Box 883, Libertyville, IL 60048. Entries may also be sent by fax to 847-816-8662, or by e-mail: A cash prize will be awarded to the winner. More details on the contest can be found on the official Women?s Health & Fitness Day Web site:

The Health Information Resource Center (HIRC)sm, organizer of this event, is a national clearinghouse for consumer health information professionals. In addition to the Women?s Health & Fitness Day event, other HIRC programs include Family Health & Fitness Day USA, always held on the last Saturday in September; the annual National Health Information Awards, the nation?s largest awards programs for consumer health information and resources; and the Web Health Awards; the Consumer Health Publishers Association and the Online Health Association and the Web site for consumer health information professionals.

For more information on Women?s Health & Fitness Day, please contact Patricia Henze, program manager, at 1-800-828-8225, weekdays 8-6 Central time. E-mail:

More information about National Women?s Health & Fitness Day is available on the organizer?s website for the event:


This Event Announcement is provided as a public service by HelpingYouCare?.


More Information

For more information on a healthy diet, exercise and other lifestyle factors that promote wellness and prevent diseases, see the HelpingYouCare? resource pages on Wellness/ Healthy Living for Seniors & Caregivers, including:

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Virus Treatment Could Target Acne

60-Second Science

Viruses that kill acne-causing bacteria show promise in the lab as a potential acne treatment. Sophie Bushwick reports

More 60-Second Science

It's easy to see acne sufferers from afar. But it's not so easy to see the bacteria that trigger their skin inflammation. Now, researchers hope to clear out those bacteria, and clear up the acne, with viruses. The work is in the journal mBio. [Laura J. Marinelli et al., Propionibacterium acnes Bacteriophages Display Limited Genetic Diversity and Broad Killing Activity against Bacterial Skin Isolates]

Many thriving microbe communities inhabit the human face. There is, for example, the pimple-producing species Propionibacterium acnes. Some antibiotic acne treatments have been used so widely that these bacteria have developed resistance. Other treatments cause unpleasant side effects.

But there are viruses that target the bacteria, called phages. Researchers isolated 11 phages from people with and without acne, and sequenced the viral genomes. Phages are generally a diverse bunch, but these viruses were close relatives to each other?which makes sense, as they all evolved to attack bacteria that live in a specific environment: facial hair follicles.

When pitted against the facial bacteria in the lab, the viruses easily mopped up their acne-causing foes. Which may make the phages good candidates for acne treatment?a treatment that might truly go viral.

?Sophie Bushwick

[The above text is a transcript of this podcast.]


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Production delays slash Tesla revenues

Electric-car manufacturer Tesla says sales will be roughly $45 million for the third quarter, far below analysts' estimates of $80 million. Tesla will raise more money by selling 4.3 million shares of stock.

By Jerry Hirsch,?Los Angeles Times (MCT) / September 26, 2012

Tesla CEO and co-founder Elon Musk unveils the Tesla Motors Model X electric vehicle at the Tesla Design Studio in Hawthorne, Calif., in February. On Tuesday, Tesla said supplier problems was slowing production of its Tesla builds the Model S, slashing third-quarter revenues by nearly half what analysts had estimated.

David McNew/Reuters/File


Electric car maker?Tesla?Motors Inc. said it is bringing in less money because of supplier problems and other delays in ramping up production of its Model S sporty hatchback.

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In a Securities and Exchange Commission filing Tuesday, the Palo Alto, Calif., automaker said it has had trouble producing the number of vehicles it anticipated since launching production of the car in June.

Tesla?said it will generate $44 million to $46 million in third-quarter sales, compared with the roughly $80 million analysts had projected based upon the company?s production goals.

?The Model S is an all-new vehicle which we are producing with new employees using new equipment. As our main focus is on quality, we have methodically increased our Model S production at a rate slower than we had earlier anticipated,??Tesla?said in the filing.

?Our suppliers also must produce new products in sufficient quantities and quality levels to meet our increasing demand. Certain suppliers have experienced delays in meeting our demand and we continue to focus on supplier capabilities and constraints,? the automaker said.

The Model S is a luxury hatchback that offers seating for five adults and sells for about $50,000 to more than $100,000 depending on trim level and options. It is fast, boasting a zero-to-60 miles per hour acceleration of less than six seconds. The car has received rave reviews from the automotive press.

Tesla?builds the Model S at a factory in Fremont, Calif., where it plans to also make the Model X, an electric SUV built on the same platform and sharing much of the technology, starting late next year.

As of this week,?Tesla?has built 255 Model S cars, and has reached a weekly production rate of 77 vehicles. The company wants to produce cars at a rate of 400 a week.?Tesla?anticipates building 20,000 cars in 2013.

Tesla?also cut its annual revenue projection because of the delays. It said it will now bring in between $400 million and $440 million this year, down from previous estimates of $560 million to $600 million.

The automaker also announced plans to raise more money via a stock offering of 4.3 million shares and has granted the underwriter, Goldman Sachs, a 30-day option to buy almost 700,000 additional shares.

Tesla?has fully drawn down a $465 million Department of Energy loan that is part of a program that makes funds available to makers of alternative-fuel vehicles. After the offering, the automaker will have about $228 million in cash.

Tesla?also said it is about to open the first locations in its ?Tesla?Supercharger network,? a group of company-operated solar-powered electric charging stations that will allow?Tesla?drivers to charge their vehicles as they drive across California. The first six stations will be located in Folsom, Gilroy, Coalinga, Lebec, Barstow and Hawthorne. It will take about 30 minutes to give the vehicles a charge that lasts about 150 miles.

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John Mitzel, North Dakota Legislative Candidate, Says Misuse Of State Seal Unintended

NEW YORK -- A Republican state legislative candidate in North Dakota, who is also a college fraternity member, blamed a miscommunication with a graphic artist for an illegal campaign flyer.

John Mitzel, a 20-year-old University of North Dakota student, said that use of the state seal in an ad released by him and running mate, fellow UND student Ross Lien, was unintentional and that they plan to correct the ad as soon as possible. Mitzel is seeking a state House seat and Lien a state Senate seat in a Grand Forks district dominated by the UND campus, Greek houses and off-campus student housing.

"That was a miscommunication with our graphic artist," Mitzel told HuffPost. "He was unaware of the details of the design."

The flyer touts the duo as "educated, trustworthy and dedicated" and uses an image of the state seal in the background. The North Dakota Century Code prohibits use of the seal for political purposes, defining it as a class B misdemeanor in the state. Class B misdemeanors in North Dakota are punishable by up to a $1,000 fine and 30 days in jail.

Grand Forks County State's Attorney Peter Welte confirmed to HuffPost that the state Democratic Party had contacted his office with information about the use of the state seal. He said that his office does not have the jurisdiction to investigate the case and can only prosecute after an investigation by the Grand Forks police department. He said that he told Democrats Monday afternoon to contact the police.

One of Mitzel's Democratic opponents, state Rep. Corey Mock, indicated that he hopes Welte does handle the case down the line, noting that he believes that local prosecutors do not handle political cases in a state that has been deemed the "most corrupt" in the country by USA Today and the Center for Public Integrity.

"It is my understanding that these matters have been forwarded to the Grand Forks County state's attorney for investigation and further action," said Mock, who has pushed ethics reforms in the state. "Unfortunately, most state's attorneys turn a blind eye to campaign and election laws in our state, allowing candidates and elected officials to play into the narrative that North Dakota is the most corrupt state in the country."

Mitzel said that he and Lien did not know of the prohibition, which is listed on the secretary of state's website under "great seal."

"I was unaware of that," Mitzel told HuffPost.

When asked if he proofed the ad, Mitzel said, "No comment." He stressed that a new version of the ad is going out without the seal.

The ad also includes misspellings for two words, including part of "higher education."

Mitzel is challenging Mock, 27, and Democrat Kylie Oversen, 23, who served as UND student body president until recently, for one of the 42nd District's two open state House seats. Lien is running against Sen. Mac Schneider (D) for the district's Senate seat. Rep. Stacy Dahl (R) is not seeking a third term.

With the district dominated by UND, the legislators have trended young, with Schneider at 33 being the oldest candidate in the race. For most of the 2009 legislative session, Schneider, Dahl and Mock were all under the age of 30. Mitzel and Lien, 20, are both members of the Lamda Chi Alpha fraternity, which they tout as part of their campaign, and which Mitzel said will help attract student voters. Mitzel made news earlier in the race for an underage drinking arrest.

North Dakota Democrats are also highlighting a Lien/Mitzel campaign sign that does not include a "paid for" disclosure on the bottom, which is also in violation of state law.

north dakota banner

"There is no excuse for candidates running for the legislature, or at any level, to allegedly commit multiple, egregious violations of state law while trying to earn the votes of their neighbors," Mock said.

Mitzel said he did not know about the sign.

"I have to look into that," he said. "I am not sure what it is."

Also on HuffPost:

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Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Old-Fashioned Motherhood: It's great, except for...

(The text from the image says "It's GREAT except for... except for the bad parts. What kinds of movies and music are you feeding your mind?")

MANY years ago, my husband and I decided to get rid of our television. And though it's made its way back on occasion, for the most part, we have only watched videos or shows online for more than a decade.

Once in a while, we will find a show that we think has promise. And so, we will watch it online, making it a special occasion.?(Most of which are BBC produced shows, interestingly enough.) And if they uplift and inspire in meaningful ways, we will buy them on DVD or iTunes. We can learn good lessons from them, and they are worth seeing again and again-- they are classics for our family.

Some of our favorites that have been worth buying are "Larkrise to Candleford," "19 Kids and Counting," "Cranford" and "Victorian Farm."?

But often, we will begin a series, and after a while, the new episodes add in some language, some gore and violence, then sexual innuendo and nudity. It's so disappointing! The first few episodes are completely without objection! They are clean as well as entertaining. When they devolve into filth, it reminds me why we removed the television from our home in the first place.

So why does this happen? I often wonder if the television producers try and suck people into their shows by making the first few episodes family friendly-- OR if they add the filth in to try and garner more ratings later on.

I was going to mention some of the series we've abandoned, but then I decided that the purpose of this article is not to call out certain shows-- as much as I'd like to!?

My purpose in writing this today is to declare that it's the right thing to turn off a show, even in the middle of an exciting episode. It's a good thing to stop watching something you once loved, even if most of the shows in the series are "fine."?

The most important thing we can do in this crazy world of ours is to have the Holy Spirit to be with us. And if we offend the Holy Ghost by the entertainment we watch, the Spirit WILL leave.?

We have to each decide if the entertainment we watch is worth losing that protection.

Just something to think about,


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Monday, September 24, 2012

Entire Field of Particle Physics Is Set to Switch to Open-Access Publishing

A consortium has brokered an agreement with 12 journals to ensure that nearly all particle-physics articles are made immediately free on journal web sites

particle physics, open access, Sponsoring Consortium for Open Access Publishing in Particle Physics Freeview: experimental results from high-energy physics, such as this fireball of quarks and gluons, should soon be published in open-access papers. Image: CERN

From?Nature magazine

The entire field of particle physics is set to switch to open-access publishing, a milestone in the push to make research results freely available to readers.

Particle physics is already a paragon of openness, with most papers posted on the preprint server arXiv. But peer-reviewed versions are still published in subscription journals, and publishers and research consortia at facilities such as the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) have previously had to strike piecemeal deals to free up a few hundred articles.

After six years of negotiation, the Sponsoring Consortium for Open Access Publishing in Particle Physics (SCOAP3) is now close to ensuring that nearly all particle-physics articles ? about 7,000 publications last year ? are made immediately free on journal websites. Upfront payments from libraries will fund the access.

So that individual research groups do not need to arrange open publication of their work, the consortium has negotiated contracts with 12?journals (see ?Particles on tap?) that would make 90% of high-energy-physics papers published from 2014 onwards free to read, says Salvatore Mele, who leads the project from CERN, Europe?s high-energy physics laboratory near Geneva, Switzerland, and home of the LHC. According to details announced on 21 September, six of the journals will switch their business models entirely from subscription to open access. It is ?the most systematic attempt to convert all the journals in a given field to open access?, says Peter Suber, a philosopher at Earlham College in Richmond, Indiana, and a proponent of open access.

The consortium invited journals to bid for three-year open-access publishing contracts, and ranked them by an undisclosed algorithm that weighed their fees against their impact factors and the licences and delivery formats they offer. Under the deal, the journals will receive an average of ?1,200 (US$1,550) per paper. Physical Review D, the journal that publishes most papers in the field, negotiated a fee of US$1,900 per article ?on the principle that we should maintain our revenue?, says Joe Serene, treasurer and publisher at the American Physical Society, which owns the journal. But the society?s prestigious Physical Review Letters missed out because its bid was too high, says Serene (the journal currently charges authors $2,700 for individual open-access articles). CERN and SCOAP3 will continue to negotiate individual open-access agreements with journals not included in the deal, and more could join when the contract is renegotiated in 2016.

Mele says that the goal of SCOAP3 is to switch the discipline?s journals to open access without researchers noticing any effect on their grant funding or on the way they publish papers. The consortium will pay the contracts from an annual budget of ?10 million, which is funded not by authors or research grants, but by pledges from more than a thousand libraries, funding agencies and research consortia across the world. In effect, existing journal subscription fees are being repurposed to provide the open-access funds.

Before any contracts can be signed, however, publishers must reduce the price of their subscription packages to offset the income from SCOAP3 ? a complex calculation to ensure that libraries don?t pay twice for the same content. Then SCOAP3 must collect its pledges ? not a foregone conclusion, as some libraries may be tempted to renege, figuring that their institution won?t lose access to the free papers anyway.

Mele hopes that success could trigger a domino effect in fields such as astronomy and astrophysics. ?I personally believe that once this is demonstrated to work, some variations, fine-tuning and adaptation of the idea will emerge,? he says.

But Serene and others caution that SCOAP3 may be hard to replicate. It has unique advantages in that most high-energy-physics papers are published in just a few journals, and that the field can be driven and coordinated by one central organization, CERN.

Suber notes the stark contrast between the quiet brokering of SCOAP3 and the battles playing out over mandates for open-access publication by research funders such as foundations and government agencies (see Nature 486, 302?303; 2012). ?I call it the peaceful revolution,? he says.

This article is reproduced with permission from the magazine Nature. The article was first published on September 24, 2012.


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Today?s Body Connection:? When you say yes to health and fitness you will inspire the world.? When you lift yourself up, others will follow.? Set the intention to affect others with how you live your life.? You don?t have to say anything; just live your new life.? When you walk into the gym, walk proud, like you are on a mission.? When you run or walk in your neighborhood, do it with gusto and purpose.? During your training session with your trainer, the person next to you is copying the workout.? What you do today can and will inspire the world to be fit.

Today?s Meditative Thought:? Once we have said yes to the lessons and transformation, energy becomes contagious.? People will be attracted to your radiant power.? They will ask you, ?What have you been doing??? Your family and friends will want to know what is so different about you.?? Be aware that it is the divine light of God that is the attraction, their divine light connecting with your divine light that is so divine.? This is known as the power of ?Namaste,? the God in you recognizes the God in me.?? Allow it to flow and be free.

Today?s Action Plan:? Today, remember we were created to inspire others to be great. Set the intention to radiate inspiration.? Observe your surroundings and journal your experience.

Today?s Affirmation:? Just for this moment?just for this breath, I remember that I am transforming my world.? Amen

Skip Jennings, ALSP, CPT
Licensed Spiritual Counselor/Personal Fitness Trainer/Transformation Coach
For more information about spiritual counseling, fitness training, or life coaching visit:

Get your copy of ?Spirit Explosion?

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Sunday, September 23, 2012

Space Saving at your Home Office Desk ? Innovative 'Infinite USB'

?Entry #1626, September 22, 2012

Your home office has enough electronics and corded devices and technology is moving at a rapid pace. A new version of software and hardware are released in just a couple of months. Manufacturers are doing their best to edge on their competitors in one way or another. A lot of features are enhanced every time a new version is released.

home office usb ideas

Create a desk that is uncluttered from electronic cord clutter

Image via

This competition is a great advantage on the part of the consumers. The benefits of this tech rivalry are the convenience, comfort and style that technology brings to their subscribers. It provides options in terms of the features included in your desired gadget or accessories.


Save space with this stackable USB cord!

Image via

With trends going into sleek and portable technology, manufacturers are trying to minimize not only the size but the number of ports and drives. For instance, laptops are reducing the number of USB ports to get more sleek and thin. But the question is what if you need to plug in more than one USB peripherals? Well, worry no more! Infinites can provide you with the needed solution.

With Infinite USB, you can:

Plug as many USB peripherals as you can.

The Infinite USB offers unlimited USB port availability. It functions as a USB port that can be connected to your peripheral and has a built in port at the back for extended functionality. Well, it won?t be called infinite for nothing.

USB stack computer

Cord clutter is one of the biggest users of space at your desk

Avoid cluttered USB connections.

The previous laptop designs that have several USB ports look like a spider web since USB ports are located at the back and on both sides of the computer. This makes it look messy and in disarray. With InfiniteUSB, you only need one USB port for all your USB peripherals.

Organize USB peripherals through color coding.

A great feature of this accessory is the color coding. This is to provide proper identification on what to plug in or pull out.

Also, this computer accessory comes in a stylish and elegant design. A great accessory for all tech-lover!

For more home office ideas on Stagetecture, click here.



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DIY Project Parade ? a place to share and search for DIY creativity ...

I love this time of the week ? a chance to see ?your creativity, your crafts, your DIY projects, your home improvement. I love visiting the links and sharing our common interest: DIY!

Last week, along with a few other things, I shared the bathroom makeover progress from the apartment renovation:

how to tile a bathroom floor

Some good things about this past week?


  • Apartment floors are finished! Ohhh and they?re sooo pretty! Just you wait and see! I?m definitely doing a happy dance over this accomplishment. Ugh. Lots of work! So glad it?s over!
  • Blinds are hung?freebies too. Mr. DIY dug them out from somewhere and I?m sure he told me where, but I think I was probably working and only heard the important part ? free blinds. And ?he? installed them. Thanks, babe!
  • New deadbolt installed. My impatience had me putting it right back in the box and thinking the brassy gold deadbolt with lost key and the fact that it didn?t match the brushed nickel door knob really wasn?t that important. Again, Mr. DIY rescued the day. He?s my hero.
  • Dressing room area of the apartment bedroom started. So fun!
  • Few paint touch ups completed. Since fall has arrived and the window air conditioner was no longer needed {brrrrr!}, it was removed and I could paint the window sill. And a ginormous box on the apartment wall {something for an outdated telephone line} was removed and I touched up that area too.
  • Old cheap bar stools and a little kitchen island/bar were given a little DIY magic. Such a budget friendly way to furnish the apartment since we already had this stuff just sitting around collecting dust. Saved some $!
  • Dug out some fall decorations and I?m starting to play with getting festive for fall.

Not DIY related:

  • Met up with a sweet blog friend. {Reposhture}. It?s so good talking and laughing with a friend who shares the same interests.
  • Fun fashion photo shoot where I pretended to be a photographer. I admit?I loved the little break away from months of non stop DIY.
  • Invitation to participate in the local Symphony Holiday Tour of Homes fundraiser! Such an honor!

But, life isn?t perfect and there were some pretty crappy things this week too. At times like those, I hold a pity party for one for a bit. Then I count my blessings.?

What I love about today is it signals a brand new week and a clean slate for me. I love this day when I can cancel the pity party and celebrate what?s been going on in your life as I invite you to share my favorite topic. DIY! Thanks so much for being here today, friends!

Show off your latest DIY:?

DIY Show Off

<div align="center"><a href="" title="DIY Show Off"><img src="" alt="DIY Show Off" style="border:none;" /></a></div>

2. This blog linky party is for?DIY projects only. Links not related to DIY will be deleted. Please share your link one week only.??Please do not link recipes, giveaways, linky parties, promotions or a collection of inspiration.?

Awesome projects with great pictures may be included in a post of DIY Project Parade highlights later in the week, featured on DIY Show Off, Facebook,Twitter, G+ or Pinterest. Look for the DIY Project Parade highlights this week!

If you have a fall related project, don?t forget to come back Wed. to link up to the DIY Fall Festival and again on Friday when I share my fall mantel and host the Countdown to Fall linky party. Lots of partying this week, friends!


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