Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Yoga for Health and Fitness: Important Details You Ought to Know ...

Yoga, an ancient Hindu art of meditation that is more than 5,000 years old, has gained a huge following in the West. In order to attain a higher state of consciousness, early civilizations living in the Indus Valley practiced yoga. They were able to discipline their body, mind, and spirit, and attain the highest level of existence by doing so.

Through the practice of postures, breathing and stretching, yogis are able to develop both mental and physical strength. The body becomes more limber yet tougher while the mind clears and becomes more focused. Concentration and a positive mindset are developed with regular yoga practice.

While all these may give the impression that yoga is much more of a religious experience than a physical one, that is actually a very limited notion. In fact, many individuals are finding that yoga provides huge benefits for health and fitness while providing emotional, mental, and spiritual advantages at the same time.

There are many different kinds of yoga that suit people with various wants and needs. If you are looking for a low-impact workout that can help you gain core strength, enhanced flexibility, increased cardio stamina, and weight reduction, yoga has something for you. The poses are not all slow in many different kinds of yoga classes. If you?re looking for a fast aerobic workout, you have power yoga. If it?s weight loss, you can do Bikram yoga in a heated room. The more traditional Iyengar yoga with it signature poses like the Upward Dog, Downward Dog, and the Plank Pose builds upper body strength and promotes stronger abdominal, hamstring, and quad muscles.

Constant yoga practice builds the body?s immune defense to protect it from disease. Toxins that are the cause of sickness and disease are regularly released through the poses, stretching and breathing exercises. Better overall health is the ultimate result when the endocrine, gastrointestinal, respiratory, and excretory systems work harmoniously together.

Yoga can help you improve your mental focus and physical coordination. As an exercise that works on promoting balance for all muscle groups, yoga helps promote eye-hand coordination, increases reaction time, and improves dexterity skills. These benefits also come with better concentration, sharper memory, longer attention span and increased learning efficiency. Overall balance and posture are certainly corrected when an individual practices yoga on a regular basis.

Yoga also plays a role in the improvement of emotional health. Yoga classes are routinely recommended to patients suffering from clinical depression. After each session, yoga practitioners with depression issues report feelings of wellness and an improved sense of well-being. The mechanism is not exactly known but yoga balances the hormones produced by the endocrine system that improves health. Another school of thought regarding yoga?s ability to heal depression subscribes that constant yoga practice releases bottled up negative feelings. When these are not anymore kept within but are allowed release, depression is lifted and cured.

The benefits of yoga simply encompasses all aspects of the personality. It is the exercise for those seeking to enhance their overall physical health while improving their emotional, spiritual and mental well-being at the same time.

Lastly, be sure to read our comprehensive P90X review and this article on ChaLEAN Extreme.


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