Saturday, January 14, 2012

Video: Bain attacks could be repeated by the DNC

>>> no idea what his net job creation was and how many of those jobs were in the u.s. and how many were outside the u.s. this is a big part of campaign. he should give us the facts.

>> newt gingrich not letting up. there he is keeping the pressure on mitt romney and his work at bain capital . republicans have pushed back against newt gingrich . they have turned their back on republican principles. mike, good friday to you. you've got a great peace in the philadelphia enquirer this morning that really speaks to what these political attacks could mean long term. you disagree with that idea. the attacks of romney's business background would be a good thing. how so?

>> i think it's in his best interest to deal with this now. while the audiences are far more hospitable than they will be in the fall. they are saying lay off the guy on this issue. it makes it seem like there's something going on here they don't want to address. this will be the narrative that gets raised by the obama re-election effort in the fall. mitt romney , do you want to deal wl it now and try to put it behind you or wait until the fall. i think he's better served dealing with it now.

>> do you think the white house is upset shaking their head that the strategy has been co-opted by the gop instead sne.

>> i think they do. i think that 30-minute documentary when mitt romney dame came to town. inside the obama re-election effort they said this is exactly what we had planned come labor day weekend .

>> how do you think he's handling the attacks?

>> i don't think he's confronted it head on. he ought to be speaking more openly about what the bain record was. maybe taking a couple of moments and complaining to the american people what this type of capitalism entails. i think it goes hand in hand with releasing his tax returns. all of that is related so which he explain to the folks the i've got nothing to hide here is how hi earned my living.

>> last question, mitt romney wins iowa. he wins new hatcmpshire. do you think once he picks up be palmetto state sh is over and done with?

>> i do. somebody could be a thorn in his side for the long haul. if he wins, i really think it's then his to lose. it will be difficult to unseat him as the front-runner.

>> michael --

>> i like to eat and drink so be ready.


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