Monday, December 31, 2012

Living large in small houses | Grist

A Jay Shafer tiny home.
Nicholas Boullosa
A Jay Shafer tiny home.

My husband and I think we?ve found a way to pay off our mortgage early, without taking on an extra job or working nights. We?ve decided to construct a rental unit ? a ?mother-in-law suite? ? within our home. If it pans out as we hope, the rental income will let us pay off our loan 10 years early. And who knows: It could give us a chance to live closer to family as we, or they, get on in years.

Jason and I are not alone; lots of folks across the country are experimenting with adding a second (or third) dwelling to an existing single-family home. And in perhaps the most interesting development, more and more people are choosing to buck the ?bigger is better? trend in North American housing. They?re taking small spaces ? backyards, side lots, or freestanding garages ? and using them to build tiny houses.

Ranging from 800 square feet to less than 100 square feet ? a far cry from the 1,000 square feet per person that has become the North American norm ? these ?doll houses? take many shapes and sizes. And the people who live in them are as diverse as the homes themselves. Some hope to save money on housing; others hope to ?live green? by choosing a smaller space; some are trading living space for a neighborhood they love; and others want to live closer to family or friends.

Here are some of their stories.

Jay Shafer, a founding father of the tiny home movement and a co-owner of the Tumbleweed Tiny House Company,?told the BBC: ?People are thinking more about what really is a luxury now. Is it a 30-year mortgage, or is it just living simply and having the time to do more of what you want? And I think a lot of people are starting to really change their idea of the American Dream.?

Dee Williams decided to rethink her American Dream after building a school in Guatemala and having a close friend get cancer made her reevaluate her priorities. ?He was getting sicker and sicker, and I didn?t have the time or the money to really throw myself into helping him. I was spending a lot of time and money on my house. So the house was the easiest thing to try to get rid of,? Williams told?Yes! magazine. So?she sold her 1,500-square-foot Portland home?and built an 84-square-foot tiny home for $10,000. Now she lives without a mortgage, giving her the time and money to invest in her friends and community.

Akua Schatz and Brendon Purdy?s dream was to live near relatives, but they couldn?t afford a home in Vancouver, B.C.?s Dunbar neighborhood. Instead of moving to the suburbs, they decided to build a 500-square-foot laneway home in Purdy?s parents? backyard. In a city where the?average home price is $725,086, Schatz and Purdy spent $280,000 to build their home.

Brendon and Akua?s laneway home, view from the alley.
Mini Home
Schatz and Purdy?s laneway home; view from the alley.

There?s another plus to their backyard home: Schatz and Purdy have babysitters just feet away from their front door. ?It?s really a North American concept to have success tied to moving away or distancing yourself, so maybe we?re reinventing what it means to be successful, and that means keeping family close,? Schatz suggests in?this video from CTV news.

The laneway home sits in the backyard of Brendon?s parent?s home.
Build Small
The laneway home sits in the backyard of Purdy?s parents? home.

But unlike Schatz and Purdy, who plan to eventually switch places with Purdy?s parents and live in the larger home as their family grows, Jon and Ryah Dietzen moved from their 1,500-square-foot home to a 400-square-foot cottage with two toddlers. They made the move for its financial freedom, but the benefits didn?t stop there. ?We realized after a few months how much time, freedom, and peace we were gaining by not collecting and spending our time taking care of more ?stuff,?? Jon Dietzen told me. By choosing a smaller house, they found a better balance between work and home life.

The Dietzens remodeled a garage into a cottage. Here is the ?before? shot.
Royce Tillotson
The Dietzens remodeled a garage into a cottage. Here is the ?before? shot.
A view of the remodeled space.
Royce Tillotson
A view of the remodeled space.

The Dietzens prove that tiny homes can work even for a family of four, and that they?re not just for couples, seniors, or singles.

A lot in a small space: kitchen island, living room, and a bedroom behind a curtain.
Royce Tillotson
A lot in a small space: kitchen island, living room, and a bedroom behind a curtain.

Small homes combat neighborhood decline brought on by shrinking household sizes. Adding people can revitalize a neighborhood, allowing schools to stay open, giving neighborhood businesses more customers, making transit service cost-effective, and saving on infrastructure costs. Infilling neighborhoods with backyard cottages helps add more people to a neighborhood, without altering its character.

As homeowners build small dwellings, they provide lower-cost housing within the existing fabric of their neighborhood, with no government support necessary. Vancouver?s planning director, Brent Toderian,?sees this?as the essential value of the trend towards small homes: ?[It?s] about ordinary people. Thousands of individual homeowners can do it, one by one by one. It?s publicly propelled, not corporate-propelled, densification. It?s gradual. It?s discreet. It?s green.?

Now that many cities have figured out backyard cottage rules, they face a new challenge: dealing with homes even tinier than the typical accessory dwelling. Some cities? regulations set minimum size requirements for dwellings. Others say a recreational vehicle can?t count as an accessory dwelling unit, which means ?you can camp in your little house, but not live in it,??writes Dee Williams. Tiny houser Lina Menard suggests that ?people should have the right to a tiny house as long as it accommodates their needs and desires.? But for people to exercise that right, cities will have to rethink the zoning rules that stand in the way of tiny homes.

Lina Menard with her possessions, sitting outside a tiny home she lived in for 10 months.
Lina Menard
Lina Menard with her possessions, sitting outside a tiny home she lived in for 10 months.
Lina?s tiny home includes a sleeping loft that she shares with her cat, Raffi.
Lina Menard
Menard?s tiny home includes a sleeping loft that she shares with her cat, Raffi.

After a year in a 120-square-foot tiny home, Menard has a good idea of how to live well in a small space. ?I think one of the biggest lessons I?ve learned is that I?m much happier when I live with just the things I like best. My relationship to stuff has shifted dramatically over the past year and a half. I?m much less materialistic than I used to be. But I really appreciate the little touches, too. It?s not about deprivation, but about intention,? Menard told me.

She recognizes that tiny-home living isn?t for everyone, but thinks there?s a way to broaden its appeal: the ?cohousing? model, where tiny homes would be coupled with shared kitchens, laundry facilities, guest rooms, and even amenities like barbeques, workshops, and gardens. ?Tiny cohousing would just push the envelope,??Menard writes in her blog. ?People who lived in a tiny house community would have?access?to all these things, but they wouldn?t have to?own?all these things themselves,? Menard explains.

A view down from the sleeping loft into Lina?s main living space.
Lina Menard
A view down from the sleeping loft into Menard?s main living space.

Eli Spevak, owner of Orange Splot, LLC, has developed several innovative housing projects in Portland. ?My goal is to keep modeling new ways of providing affordable, community-oriented houses,? Spevak told?The Oregonian.

The Sabin Green cohousing community brings Spevak?s goals to fruition. Sabin Green includes four homes, built on a 75-by-100-foot lot. The lot had a single-family home and detached garage. The single-family home remains, but the detached garage was converted into a 600-square-foot cottage. A second home and a 600-square-foot accessory dwelling were built as well. The four homes face onto a central courtyard, but they also have access to shared gardens, a community room with space for visitors, and a bike storage shed. The sharing doesn?t stop with physical improvements: Residents also use just one internet service, share a newspaper subscription, and meet for weekly dinners.

Sabin Green before its transformation.
Eli Spevak
Sabin Green before its transformation.
The new view from the street.
The new view from the street.

The project is home to a diverse group, including a young couple, retirees, a single woman, and a small family. Residents Laura Ford and Josh Devine paid just under $150,000 for their 530-square-foot home. They downsized from a 700-square-foot apartment, but see the loss of square footage as worth the cost. ?If you live by yourself, you might not be able to afford the brick plaza, the teahouse, the gardens,? Devine told?The Oregonian.

The detached garage was converted into a separate residence.
Eli Spevak
The detached garage was converted into a separate residence.
Back deck from one Sabin Green home shows the view into the shared courtyard.
Steve Hambuchen
The back deck from one Sabin Green home shows the view into the shared courtyard.

Ruth?s Garden Cottages ? covered by Sightline?here ? takes tiny-home communities to another level. On a 50-by-100-foot lot in Northeast Portland that housed one small dwelling,?Orange Splot added two tiny cottages, each less than 200 square feet in size. The miniature structures have room for a sleeping loft, a bathroom, and a well-proportioned front porch. The cottages make use of the kitchen in the main home. A shared garden takes up the front 50 feet of the lot.

The view of Ruth?s Cottages from the street.
Mike O?Brien
The view of Ruth?s Cottages from the street.
The main house contains a full kitchen that all Ruth?s Cottages residents can use, but the cottages also have modest kitchen facilities for quick snacks.
Mike O?Brien
The main house contains a full kitchen that all Ruth?s Cottages residents can use, but the cottages also have modest kitchen facilities for quick snacks.
Front porches and a common courtyard provide outdoor living ?rooms.?
Eli Spevak
Front porches and a common courtyard provide outdoor living ?rooms.?

The?recession and housing crisis, combined with?changing demographics, have led many of us to reevaluate what we want in a home. More and more folks are looking for homes within walking distance of jobs, stores, and transit ? and have proven willing to trade square footage for a vibrant neighborhood. At the same time, millennials increasingly look for alternatives to the car; baby boomers have reached the age where they don?t need a big home in the ?burbs; and more and more families are choosing to live in?multi-generational households.

Tiny houses are a great solution for all these needs. So whether you are a?recent graduate wanting to be free from high rent, or?a family looking to live without a mortgage, or you want to turn your detached garage into a mother-in-law suite, a small home might be for you. As Marcus Barksdale, who built his own small home in Asheville, N.C.,?said in this interview: ?It would be really neat if more people sought to have smaller spaces, because it would free them up for a larger life.?


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Getting Mama Ready


In 1966, when we got word of my father?s death, it was my brother?s crying that frightened me most. The way he beat at the wall and yelled about the men he would grow up and kill one day. ?Mama had worried that her death would undo Frank. Maybe she?d remembered his cries from all those years ago, too.

?Men aren?t as emotionally strong as women,? she said. ?Besides, you and Linda have your families.?

?Frank has a family, too, Mama,? I reminded her. ?He has the biggest family of all.? Six kids.

She acted surprised, like it had never occurred to her that my brother had someone other than her to care for him.

?Linda is going to have the hardest time, Mama,? I said. ?You are all the parent she?s ever really known.?

I read recently that in tribal villages it is the wails of the mourning that alerts others in the village when someone has died. People in this country don?t give over much to wailing. We are conditioned to think that such mourning is unbecoming. I blame the damn Yankees who burned Atlanta. Perhaps you blame the Puritans? Whatever. The wails of my sister, head down on Mama?s lap, are what I will recall forever more about Mama?s dying day. And I will never ever again be able to think of Jesus upon that cross without hearing the sounds of Mama?s suffering.

Mama drowned to death. It was an awful, terrible, horrifying dying.

I?d told my brother and sister ahead of time, I don?t need to be there when she passes. It has taken me a lifetime to get over the horror of seeing my father dead in that military casket when I was only a young girl. I did not want my last memory of Mama to be of her dying, so I told them not to call. But they called anyway. On Christmas Day. You better come. Don?t tarry, they warned. Mama had told Frank that morning: I am dying. Later in the day, she told Linda: I am leaving soon. ?She never said anything to me about leaving at all.

I began writing Mama?s obit in the car as we headed north on I-5. Snoqualmie was snowy, icy, so Tim took the long route through Portland. Mama had called me in July and asked me to write her obit. I had been upset with her for asking. Why was she talking about dying? She wasn?t ill. Not that any of us knew of then. Did she have a premonition?

Mama had gotten out on Sunday and paid Mannie & Nicole & Landon a visit in their home. On Christmas Eve she attended the candlelight service at church.

?You didn?t bring me a present,? she said, when we arrived late Christmas night. I wish I?d thought to tell her I was her present. Instead I reminded her of the new Christmas jammies and slippers I?d already given her.

I finished writing Mama?s obit at 2 a.m. on Dec. 26 at the foot of my mama?s bed as she lay sleeping. On Christmas Day Mama had woken unable to swallow any of her pain medications. The only pain relief she had was the liquid morphine which we had been giving her for several weeks in addition to her daily dosages of medications. Keeping her comfortable was increasingly difficult. I woke at 4 a.m. and gave her more morphine, and again at 7 a.m. but her breathing was labored, as if she was moving wheelbarrows full of rocks from the garden. ?Hospice visited her that morning, said we could give her the morphine every hour but that she might last weeks, yet. No way to know for sure.

?Warm up the car and let?s go somewhere, girls,? Mama said mid-afternoon. Linda and I laughed. Mama was never, not for one minute, not keen to what was going on around her.

One of the many photos Linda and I shared with each other over the past four months, after getting Mama ready for the day.

By late afternoon, the breathing that we had thought so labored in the morning sounded like a diesel truck moving up a steep grade. Mama?s forehead and face were pinched in pain. Nothing we did eased it. So Frank, Linda and I gathered around Mama?s bed and prayed for God to hasten her death, to show all of us a mercy.

Not a one of us could stand to see Mama suffering so.

At 6 p.m. I broke down in tears, angry that Mama was drowning, that I could hear the fluid building and yet could do nothing to make her comfortable. Only one dose of morphine an hour Hospice reiterated when we asked. Anything else would be euthanasia, someone suggested.

?She?s dying,? I cried. ?Why do we have dosages for the dying??

Linda was on one side holding Mama?s right hand. I was on the other side, holding her left. She had a good grip on the both of us as her frail shoulders heaved, as she gasped for the next breath.

?She needs more morphine,? I said to my sister.

?Then you give it,? she replied.

Neither of us moved. We had half-an-hour before we could give the next dosage. So we cried, my sister and I, cried and prayed for Mama, who was now pushing a train full of rocks up Mt. Rainer.

I remembered when Mama?s brother Uncle Charlie died, Mama was at his bedside. She told me later she could tell he was about to die because of the death rattle. As a nurse, Mama was familiar with the death rattle of the dying. Was this it? Was this what was making Mama work so hard to get the next breath?

Landon visits Mama one last time in the hours before her death.

Linda got up to go to the bathroom. Nicole Barnes, my nephew?s wife, took Mama?s left hand and as we sat there, Mama?s breathing shifted, like a trucker switching too quickly into second-gear. Linda returned and there was a loud thumping. It really did sound as if Jesus was knocking on the door of Mama?s heart. Over and over again, loud thumping. Linda got up and gave Mama another dose of morphine. We saw Mama?s face relax, felt her breathing calm a bit, fall into a rhythm. She was sleeping, finally.

Frank and nephew Robert took our places at Mama?s bedside while Linda and I retreated to the den for a moment. A half-hour later, Linda went to check on Mama and she called out to me, ?Mama is burning up.?

Linda could see it the minute she walked into Mama?s room. We took her temperature: 104. Frank and Janet went to call Hospice, to see if we could do something more. Mama was awake again, working, laboring, the breathing a gazillion times worse than it had been all day. A demon had a gnarly grip on Mama?s throat and was holding her underwater, and she was fighting to surface.

Frank appeared in the doorway and made a proclamation issued by Hospice: ?If she has a fever she is actively dying.?

Brilliant. Freaking brilliance.

Oh. And they are too busy with others dying to come out and help but, no, you can?t give any more morphine, other than the one dose an hour. You can, however, crush up the oxycodone and try to give that to her. This was the best they had to offer as Mama lay dying?

I turned to a praise station on Pandora and placed my iPhone on Mama?s chest.

In the morning when I rise give me Jesus. Give me Jesus. Give me Jesus. You can have all this world. Just give me Jesus.

I was in desperate need for an outer body experience. I did not want to be there. I did not want to witness my mother?s death.

When I am alone, give me Jesus. Give me Jesus. Give me Jesus. You can have all this world. Just give me Jesus.

I wanted to remember her eating the soup I had brought her before my last leaving. I wanted to remember how sweet she had been that last week together. How happy she was over the Christmas tree I had decorated and put up in her room. ?Leave it plugged in,? she said, when we got ready for bed. ?I like looking at the lights when I wake.?

Mama loved Christmas, always. The grandkids earliest memories of her always include stories of Christmas at Grandma Shelby?s.

Grandma Shelby thanking Konnie for the Christmas gift she sent ? sparkle shoes. ?I?d wear them to bed if I could,? Mama told me Christmas night.


Mama gripped mine and Linda?s hands as she tried to rise above the drowning.

When I come to die, give me Jesus. Give me Jesus. Give me Jesus. You can have all this world, Just give me Jesus.

Deep, deep rattling breaths. And then nothing. Complete and utter silence. Linda looked at me. I looked at her. Then we both looked at Mama. She was still breathing. Her shoulders still moving but Mama was breathing quietly as a newborn baby. In and out. In and out. And then she opened her eyes and Linda cried out, ?She dying.?

We both cried out, ?We love you, Mama.?

?I believe that,? Mama had said on Christmas night as I sat on her bed and told her I loved her.

Mama died in that moment when she opened her eyes and they rolled back in her head. That?s the moment when Linda fell across Mama?s lap and let the villagers in the tribe know that Mama had died.

I left the room, did my bawling sitting alone in the den, wondering how in the world I would ever forget that moment, afraid if I don?t forget it my brain will snap and it won?t be Frank or Linda who has the hardest time, but me.

Writers are different breed. Tim says we are all a little crazy to begin with. I have long been drawn to the literature of those who live on the edge, emotionally. I wrote my senior thesis on Edgar Allen Poe. While others were reading F. Scott Fitzgerald, I was reading everything I could find on Zelda. I felt I knew her, understood her fragileness. People always tell me how strong I am, but inside I don?t feel strong. I feel like thin glass.

I worked up enough whatever it is to go back into my Mama?s room. Tim was standing behind my sister, comforting her. I sat back down by Mama and made myself look at her, and cried along with everyone else in the room.

Then Frank walked over, kissed our mother and told her ?Go be with God.?

The Last Bath

I asked my nephew Robert to bring down a pan of warm water. Then I went into the bathroom and grabbed two bars of soap and two washcloths, and a couple of white towels. Robert brought a deep bowl of warm water. Then he left the room and I shut the door.

Everyone left Linda and me alone while we tended to our mother the way we have been doing every day since August, when she first fell ill. ?Pick out something pretty to wear today,? Mama would tell one or the other of us. If she didn?t like what we picked out she?d tell us and we?d have to switch it until she had something that matched, that she felt comfortable and pretty in. Linda started the routine of taking Mama?s picture every time she got her dressed for the day and texting the photo to me and I would do the same for her.

When Mama died she was wearing blue flannel pajamas with little grey donkeys on them. Appropriate, given that I always said Mama was a mule-headed woman. But when nephew Mannie had dropped by earlier in the evening, he had razzed Mama about the pajamas.

?Really, Grandma Shelby?? he had chided. ?Who buys pajamas with Eeyore on them? Pooh I can understand, but Eeyore??

I unbuttoned the top. Linda tried to slip the sleeve off Mama?s arm. I tried the other one. Neither of us could get Mama?s arms out. So Linda opened the bedside drawer and took out the scissors Mama had used nearly every night to cut open packs of nicotine gum. Then Linda cut those Eeyore pajamas off our mama.

And we laughed.

And then we cried.

?Thank you, Jesus,? Linda said, as she took one washcloth and I took the other and we began to work in concert bathing our mother one last time.

Daughters bathing the mother who had first bathed us.

It may have been the most primal thing I have ever done in my life but I could have stayed in that room with my mother?s dead body bathing it for a long, long time.

It felt like grace after all we had all been through.

?How do you like bathing your big baby?? Mama had asked me one day as I was toweling her off after a shower.

?I like it fine, Mama,? I?d replied. In truth it had been uncomfortable at first, but over time I came to see the dressing of Mama for the day as the most loving, intimate moments I would ever have with my mother. I chose the fluffiest of towels to pat her dry. I rubbed the cocoa butter lotion gently down her arms, her legs, careful to not mess with the blood clots.

Linda picked out her last outfit. A black beaded top. A cream silk sweater with pearls. Tan pants. The new hat granddaughter Taylor had bought her for Christmas and the glitter shoes that granddaughter Konnie had mailed her for Christmas. Linda couldn?t get the clasp on the snowflake pin she?d bought Mama as a Christmas present, so she handed it to me. I pinned it to the left side of the sweater, like a medal ? only this one was made of all sparkle.

That was our Mama. The sparkle of our family.

Forever and for always.

A memorial service will be held Saturday, Jan. 5, 2 p.m. at South Beach Christian Center, 1360 State Route 105 Grayland, WA, 98547?. The family requests that in lieu of flowers, any remembrances be made to South Beach Christian Center. Shelby Spears will be interned alongside her husband in Greeneville, TN, at Andrew Johnson National Cemetery.


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Zinc is one of the finest vitamins that you can take for acne, since it helps to reduce the formation of free radicals below your skin. You?ll want to take a every day zinc supplement to fight acne internally and to cut back the visible facial bumps connected to cystic acne.

Rid your self of acne on your physique. Often shower right after a workout, and use a cleansing physique wash made for people with body acne concerns.

Acne breakouts are also brought on by extreme hot and cold conditions, so be aware of that when traveling outside. You could discover that in warmer climate you often sweat more. Sweat is actually a big pore-clogging culprit. This may trigger acne problems. In the event the weather?s cold, you could get dry skin. Neither is preferable.

Think it or not, spending time in the sun might help clear your acne. Bear in thoughts that your skin will get drier the more it?s bared to the sun. Because the oil rises towards the surface your acne might temporarily worsen. Inside per week or two, though, your skin will adjust to its new conditions and break out much less.

In order to treat acne, you could want to consider taking zinc, since it reduces the chances of totally free radicals from forming below the skin. Take into account taking a zinc supplement to stay healthy and lower the quantity of cystic acne that you simply have.

Wash your face regularly. Straight away upon waking, wash your face thoroughly. At evening, wash your face once much more proper ahead of bedtime to decrease the frequency and severity of breakouts.

Acne no more book Popping pimples is popular among acne sufferers. If you can not withstand not popping your whiteheads, make sure you first thoroughly wash and clean your hands and fingernails to avoid re-infecting your pores. Pop responsibly and also you really should see a reduction in the severity of your acne in no time.

You ought to never choose at an acne lesion. After you pop a pimple, you?ll be able to cause the spreading of bacteria, and that could result in blemishes. Choosing in the exact same acne blemish can cause scarring, that will remain lengthy right after the acne clears.

There is a very fantastic likelihood that should you suffer from acne, it can be due to tension. It is critical to take time daily to unwind. When you do activities that you just get pleasure from, you may be actively lowering the anxiety and will balance out your hormones, which can be generally the lead to of acne. You could possibly also would like to remain away from smoking and caffeine when you suffer from acne.

A good deal of folks aren?t conscious of the very best skincare routines to reduce breakouts. Just about everyone suffers from acne a minimum of as soon as in their life.






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Rice wins Armed Forces Bowl, 33-14 over Air Force

Air Force quarterback Connor Dietz (11) pitches the ball as Rice defensive end Tanner Leland (13) chases during the first half of the Armed Forces Bowl NCAA college football game, Saturday, Dec. 29, 2012, in Fort Worth, Texas. (AP Photo/LM Otero)

Air Force quarterback Connor Dietz (11) pitches the ball as Rice defensive end Tanner Leland (13) chases during the first half of the Armed Forces Bowl NCAA college football game, Saturday, Dec. 29, 2012, in Fort Worth, Texas. (AP Photo/LM Otero)

Air Force running back Mike DeWitt is wrapped up by Rice safeties Paul Porras (24) and Gabe Baker (27) after a gain during the first half of the Armed Forces Bowl NCAA college football game, Saturday, Dec. 29, 2012, in Fort Worth, Texas. . (AP Photo/LM Otero)

Rice quarterback Taylor McHargue is checked on the bench after he left the game with a concussion during the first half of the Armed Forces Bowl NCAA college football game against Air Force, Saturday, Dec. 29, 2012, in Fort Worth, Texas. (AP Photo/LM Otero)

Air Force running back Cody Getz (28) runs against Rice defensive end Jared Williams (97) during the first half of the Armed Forces Bowl NCAA college football game Saturday, Dec. 29, 2012, in Fort Worth, Texas. (AP Photo/LM Otero)

Rice wide receiver Jordan Taylor (15) catches a touchdown pass against Air Force defensive back Chris Miller (3) during the first half of the Armed Forces Bowl NCAA college football game Saturday, Dec. 29, 2012, in Fort Worth, Texas. (AP Photo/LM Otero)

(AP) ? When Rice freshman quarterback Driphus Jackson was suddenly thrust into action in the Armed Forces Bowl, he drove the Owls within 2 yards of a tying touchdown before his errant pitch.

Jackson more than made up for that miscue that ended the first half.

After starter Taylor McHargue was knocked out the game because of a concussion, Jackson threw for 264 yards with two second-half touchdowns to Jordan Taylor, and Rice beat Air Force 33-14 on Saturday.

"I couldn't get down (after the fumble). The guys had all the confidence in the world in me," Jackson said. "Things slowed down for me in the second half."

Rice (7-6), which had to win four in a row just to get bowl eligible, has won both of its bowl games under sixth-year coach David Bailiff. Before their 2008 Texas Bowl victory, the Owls had lost their only four bowl games since winning the 1954 Cotton Bowl.

"This football team has overcome a lot of adversity and really played well down the stretch," Bailiff said. "We had a very motivational talk with our team just before the winning streak, and our coaching staff and players worked hard and kept improving every game."

And this is a Rice team with only seven seniors, three of them tight ends.

The Owls were 1-5 after a loss at Memphis on Oct. 6, and their only loss was 28-24 to Conference USA champion Tulsa.

"We had our ups and downs. To cap it after the start we had, it means the world," said running back Turner Petersen (nine carries for 81 yards).

Air Force (6-7) scored on consecutive drives in the second quarter with backup quarterback Kale Pearson in the game. But the Falcons had a season-low 214 total yards.

Jackson's first series ended with a bad pitch near the goal line only 2 seconds before halftime, when the Owls trailed 14-7. It was the third lost fumble by Rice in the second quarter.

"We didn't make a lot of adjustments at halftime," said Taylor, who had nine catches for 153 yards and three TDs, including a 16-yarder from McHargue in the first quarter. "The coaches just told us to execute and protect the football better than we did in the first half."

Jackson had consecutive completions of 25 and 22 yards before a 2-yard keeper and then a 22-yard TD to Taylor on Rice's opening drive of the second half.

The Owls went ahead to stay, 21-14, when Jackson hit six passes in a row to set up Charles Ross' 2-yard TD run.

"As soon as the starter went out, we knew there were adjustments we had to make," Air Force coach Troy Calhoun said. "We put an enormous amount of strain on our defense. Any time you make only 12 first downs, you're going to tax your defense."

Jackson, who started against Houston when McHargue had a shoulder problem, completed 15 of 21 passes and rushed for 32 yards.

"After having one start under my belt, I knew what to expect," Jackson said. "I had an idea of how to manage the game. They gave me the keys and told me to go."

McHargue never returned after a helmet-to-helmet collision on a 5-yard run with about 5 minutes left in the first half.

He put his head down and ran into defensive back Steffon Batts, and fumbled. McHargue was noticeably wobbly while being helped to the sideline.

The Falcons then went 35 yards in nine plays for a 14-7 lead. Mike DeWitt converted fourth-and-1 with a 2-yard run, and Wes Cobb scored on a 1-yard run.

Jackson then came in for the Owls and had keepers of 5 and 14 yards before a 23-yard pass to Taylor. After another 10-yard pass for first-and-goal from the 2 before Jackson's bad pitch.

McHargue hit 6 of 8 passes for 31 yards. He stood on the sideline after halftime wearing a warmup suit and a cap.

Since the Falcons' last game, senior quarterback Connor Dietz has graduated from the academy and been commissioned as a second lieutenant in the Air Force.

Dietz ran six times for 11 yards and completed only 1 of 3 passes.

Pearson wasn't must better, 2-of-8 passing for 44 yards with six carries for 11 yards. But he was on the field for both of Air Force's scoring drives with a 9-yard TD run

The Falcons have made a school-record six consecutive bowl appearances under Calhoun, but are 2-4 in those games (1-3 in the Armed Forces Bowl). Air Force lost four of its last five games to finish this season.

Chris Boswell made field goals of 24 and 25 yards in the fourth quarter, before Jackson hit Taylor for a 34-yard TD with 1:38 left.

Boswell, who made six field goals of at least 50 yards during the regular season, had apparently made a 52-yarder early in the second quarter before officials blew the whistle for an Air Force timeout. Boswell got another try, but pushed it wide right with about 9 minutes left in the first half.

That's when Pearson took over for Air Force, leading them 66 yards in 10 plays. He had a 15-yard pass and ended the drive with a wide sweeping run to get into the front corner of the end zone to tie the game at 7.

"We really struggled. We had a good second quarter," Calhoun said. "But there's no way you win this game playing well in one quarter."

Associated Press

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Saturday, December 29, 2012

Pay More Attention To Kitchen For Home Improvement - Joe Aldeguer

Your kitchen can benefit from little extra attention that you keep in mind while improving it. Home kitchen improvement tips can help you get quite right type of kitchen for your home where you would have adequate space, all essential accessories, finest counter tops, counters, excellent exhaustion system, well crafted and furnished cupboards or shelf and off course gas system.

The kitchen renovation requires a specialized skill to design its layout. The proper planning for plumbing, lightings and placement of the kitchen appliances of daily use are needed to be considered. This type of work can only be done by a professional experienced kitchen decorator. Professional kitchen decorators have the full knowledge of the things required in the kitchen such as appliances, stoves, ovens, refrigerators and the kind of issues may arise while moving on with the renovation work. A contractor will do the task of kitchen renovation with full preparations and prior arrangements. It is a fact that every kitchen is the focal point of any home, be it a house or an apartment or a small condo. There is no home without a cooking area since this is the place where all food preparation takes place. Not only have that but people also liked to hang out in the kitchen after a hard day?s work. Breakfast is eaten here, the afternoon coffee is also consumed here with some invited friends and children love doing their homework in the kitchen around their moms to help them with the algebra.

The extent of kitchen improvements depends on the current condition of the kitchen. If the kitchen is far outdated and requires new appliances, counters, and cabinets, you will obviously be spending more money. As we all know, kitchen improvement is an important part in home improvement; you can find good Kitchen Manufacturers those who can clearly tell you kitchens Direct and Budget Kitchen, and then you will know your design well for home improvement.??

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Snow Can't Stop 36th Annual Pearl River Track & Field Holiday ...

Wednesday evening's snow couldn't stop the 36th annual Pearl River Track & Field Holiday Festival Thursday at RCC's Levy Fieldhouse, but it did keep some schools away.

According to Dan Doherty, the former Pearl River girls track coach and organizer of the event, 11 of the 44 teams scheduled to participate didn?t make it due to Wednesday?s storm. He said most of the schools that canceled are located in norther Orange and Ulster counties.

Still, plenty of schools did make it to RCC on Thursday, and many local competitors scored wins or other strong finishes throughout the day.

On the girls side, Pearl River High School?s Kayla Clohessy finished first in the long jump with a score of 16-0.25. Amanda Moroney, also from Pearl River High School, won the 55 meter hurdles with a time of 9.1 seconds.

Erin Jaskot, from Tappan Zee High School, won the 300 yard dash with a time of 37.8 seconds. She also finished second in the 1,000 yard run to Suffern eight-grader Kameron McIntosh, who finished 2.4 seconds ahead of Jaskot. Nyack?s Ifetayo Tyler finished third in that face.

In the boys competition, Clarkstown North?s 4x200 meter relay team took home first place in their event with a time of 1:36.7. The team is made up of Billy DeLay, Jeremy Job, Aiden Daly and Dennis O?Connor. DeLay finished second in the 55 meter dash, Job finished eighth in the high jump and O?Connor finished second in the long jump.

Clarkstown South?s Najee Taylor won the long jump with a score of 20-06.00. Taylor finished seventh in the 55 meter hurdles as well. Also winning from South was Chris Guglielmo, whose topped all in the pole vault with a mark of 13-00.00. The South 4x400 meter relay team also took home a first-place finish. The team was made up of Sammy Abdallatif, Michael Guglielmo and Nicholas Jung.

Full results from Thursday's meet are attached to this report.?


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US shuts embassy in Central African Republic

WASHINGTON (AP) -- The State Department has closed its embassy in the Central African Republic and ordered the ambassador and his diplomatic team to leave the country as rebels there continue to advance and violence escalates, U.S. officials said Thursday.

A Pentagon spokesman, Lt. Col. Todd Breasseale, said that at the State Department's request, Defense Secretary Leon Panetta had directed U.S. Africa Command to evacuate U.S. citizens and designated foreign nationals from the U.S. Embassy in Bangui "to safe havens in the region."

State Department spokesman Patrick Ventrell said the U.S. Embassy had temporarily suspended operations, but not diplomatic relations with the country.

"This decision is solely due to concerns about the security of our personnel and has no relation to our continuing and long-standing diplomatic relations" with the Central African Republic, Ventrell said in a statement.

Shortly after announcing the evacuation Thursday, the State Department warned U.S. citizens against travel to the Central African Republic, saying it could not "provide protection or routine consular services to U.S. citizens" and urging Americans who have decided to stay to "review their personal security situation and seriously consider departing" on commercial flights. Four days earlier, the State Department had issued a warning recommending against travel to the country and authorizing its non-emergency personnel in Bangui to leave.

U.S. officials said about 40 people were evacuated on an U.S. Air Force plane bound for Kenya. The officials spoke on condition of anonymity because they weren't authorized to discuss the details of the operation.

The departure of Ambassador Laurence Wohlers and his staff comes as the president of the Central African Republic on Thursday urgently called on France and other foreign powers to help his government fend off rebels who are quickly seizing territory and approaching this capital city, but French officials declined to offer any military assistance.

Rebels have seized at least 10 towns across the sparsely populated north, and residents in the capital of 600,000 people fear insurgents could attack at any time.

The developments suggest the Central African Republic could be on the brink of another violent change in government, something not new to the impoverished country. The current president, Francois Bozize, himself came to power nearly a decade ago in the wake of a rebellion.

Speaking to crowds in Bangui, Bozize pleaded with foreign powers to do what they could. He pointed in particular to France, Central African Republic's former colonial ruler.

About 200 French soldiers are already in the country, providing technical support and helping to train the local army, according to the French defense ministry.

French President Francois Hollande said Thursday that France wants to protect its interests in Central African Republic and not Bozize's government. Paris is encouraging peace talks between the government and the rebels.

President Barack Obama late last year sent about 100 U.S. special operations forces to the region ? including Central African Republic ? to assist in the hunt for Joseph Kony, the fugitive rebel leader of the notorious Lord's Resistance Army. Forces have been hunting the elusive warlord in Central African Republic, South Sudan and Congo.


Associated Press writer Matthew Lee contributed to this report.


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The HCM City Ballet Symphony Orchestra related stories

US star to sing on The Voice Viet Nam

Singer Dia Frampton, the runner-up in The Voice America 2011 will be special guest at the semi-final of The Voice Viet Nam tomorrow, Dec 28.

Frampton will also pay a visit to the HCM City Society for the Protection of the Disabled and Orphans and share her experiences ? and voice ? with the top eight contestants of The Voice Viet Nam.

She will attend the final night of the contest on Sunday at Phan Dinh Phung Indoor Stadium in HCM City.

Frampton was a member of the American rock band Meg&Dia. After coming second in the reality show, she started her solo career.

Foreign stars to perform in HCM City

Foreign stars will perform at the Hennessy Artistry Concert in HCM City on January 4, 2012.

Vietnamese audiences will have the chance to see Adam Lambert, a runner up in American Idol 2009.

Vietnamese audiences will have the chance to see Adam Lambert, a runner up in American Idol 2009.

Vietnamese audiences will have the chance to see Adam Lambert, a runner up in American Idol 2009, Yoon-G, dance and rock artist from the RoK, and Reage Aurea, a soul singer from Portugal.

This is the fifth time the event has been co-organised by the Department of Performing Arts under the Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism and the Moet Hennessy Asia Pacific Company.

Theatre company wins plaudits for adaptation of a tragic love story

Tran Huu Trang Theatre?s cai luong (reformed opera) play Chiec Ao Thien Nga (Swan Coat) has won the HCM City?s Literature and Art Award for 2012.

The awards are given every five years.

Chiec Ao Thien Nga is based on popular Vietnamese legend No Than (The Magic Crossbow) set during the reign of Kinh An Duong Vuong in the third century BC.

The 120-minute play depicts the star-crossed love story of the King?s daughter My Chau.

It is about the doomed relationship between Chau and her husband Trong Thuy, the son of her father?s enemy King Trieu Da, who are married off to improve relations between the two kingdoms.

Chau shows Thuy her father?s magic crossbow which protects the country from aggressors.

Thuy steals the bow and returns to his country. When her father discovers the truth, Chau kills herself.

Hundreds of artists from cai luong, dance, music, and design came together to create the masterpiece.

The highlights of the play were its powerful but melodious singing and outstanding stagecraft.

Its director, Hoa Ha, used music by the city?s 80-member Symphony Orchestra under the skilled baton of Tran Vuong Thach.

The jury chose Chiec Ao Thien Nga for the award from among dozens of works staged in the city by both State-funded and private troupes.

It gave away awards to 50 other works in literature, architecture, photography, music, films, and fine arts created between 2006 and 2011.

The award for literature went to Mua He Gia Buot (Cold Summer), a contemporary novel by Van Le of the city?s writers? association.

The movie award went to People?s Artist Dao Ba Son?s Long Thanh Cam Gia Ca (A Song about Musician in Thang Long Citadel).

The awards honour and encourage local artists to make quality works on serious topics.

Cultural events to celebrate New Year

A range of cultural activities to promote traditional craft villages and celebrate the New Year and Tet (Lunar New Year) will be held in Ha Noi?s Old Quarter from today until February 27.

Visitors can enjoy paintings by artist Sy Tot and his family members from Co Do Village at Kim Ngan Temple, 42 Hang Bac, learn about traditional photography from the Lai Xa Village at Dong Lac Temple and experience Dong Ho and Hang Trong folk paintings at 87 Ma May Street.

Meanwhile, information about plans to upgrade the Old Quarter will be available at the Old Quarter?s Information Centre, 28 Hang Buom Street.

American jazz artist begins Metropole residency

American jazz singer Tabitha King will perform jazz regularly at the Sofitel Legend Metropole Ha Noi from January 1 to April 30.

King, who achieved worldwide fame with her self-titled CD Tabitha ? Mind Games, will sing every night except for Mondays at 8.45pm.

Bicycle group peddles mass cycling event

Join Positive Mass this Friday on a bicycle ride inspired by an international event called Critical Mass, held on the last Friday of every month in over 300 cities around the world.

Founded in 1992 in San Francisco, the purpose of the ride is not to cycle to a particular destination but to attract people to pedal around the city as a group.

Organised by the Ha Noi Bicycle Collective, the ride starts at 8pm and ends around 10pm. It will depart from the Tra Chanh (tea with lime) corner opposite St Joseph?s Cathedral, Nha Tho Street.

Hot Rock bar promises to provide party mood

Every Saturday night from 9pm until 2am, Hot Rock Bar?s Sub Elements will rock listeners with powerful sub-woofers blasting local and international music. The bar, located at Hacinco B3.7 Building, corner of Le Van Luong and Hoang Dao Thuy streets in Thanh Xuan District, has room for both dancing and lounging. Free entry all night! For more information call or text Bush (English&Vietnamese) 01687668225.

HCM City readies for countdown

HCM City?s annual countdown party to welcome the New Year will be held on Nguyen Hue Street in District 1 on December 30 and 31.

It will feature laser and water shows, LED and other attractive lighting, and circus acts by international artists like Dennis Ignatov, Jennifer ?Foxie? Marie Drilling, and ?Cheetah? Russell Platt.

There will also be DJs Mark Jolly, Drew Tudose, Alan Pham, and Jessica Nguyen, and singers Ho Ngoc Ha, Thu Minh, Ha Anh Tuan, Ha Okio, Minh Thu, and Ngo Thanh Van.

The party will begin at 6pm on both days, and the countdown, 15 minutes before midnight on New Year?s Eve.

Hotel Equatorial pool party to welcome in 2013

An outdoor pool party themed St Tropez White Party will be held at the Hotel Equatorial on New Year?s Eve.

There will be music by DJs and games, a magic show, and a lucky draw.

Guests are required to come dressed in white.

Entry will cost VND300,000 per person. The hotel is at 242 Tran Binh Trong Street, District 5.

Fireworks guarantee New Year blast-off

The city will see two firework displays on New Year?s Eve. The 15-minute displays will be set off at the Thu Thiem tunnel in District 2 and Dam Sen Amusement Park in District 11.

Opera House hosts classical concert

The HCM City Ballet Symphony Orchestra and Opera (HBSO) will present a New Year concert at the Opera House on January 9.

The HBSO Choir and Symphony Orchestra will perform works by composers like Georges Bizet, Johann Strauss, and Giacomo Puccini under the baton of conductor Tran Nhat Minh.

The concert will start at 8pm. Tickets costing VND150,000 to 300,000, and 60,000 for students, are available at the box office at 7 Lam Son Square, District 1.

Ethnic lives and crafts go on show in City

A showroom displaying documents, photos and objects relating to the cultural life and crafts of ethnic groups in Viet Nam was opened on Tuesday at the History and Culture Museum in HCM City.

The material and spiritual life of ethnic groups are reflected through utensils, tools and religious objects. More than 200 items of pottery and bronze are on display.

Typical products from famous trade villages, such as Bat Trang and Chu Dau, are highlighted.

Traditional arts find new home in old house

A venue for performing traditional arts opened at 66 Bach Dang Street on Tuesday to serve tourists to Hoi An in central Quang Nam province.

The two-storey building has unique architecture and a small stage creating a cosy atmosphere for audiences to enjoy musical instruments, hat boi (traditional southern drama) and folk songs every evening from 9pm. The cost is VND100,000 (US$5) per ticket.

Writers? Association delegation visits Laos

Chairman of the Vietnam Writers? Association Huu Thinh and his Lao counterpart, Phuilavan, discussed cooperation plan for 2013 during their talks in Vientiane on December 25.

They agreed to make joint efforts to compile a collection of short stories and notes on Laos.

The two sides pledged to create favourable conditions for Vietnamese veteran writers to make field trips to former Lao battle fields, namely Hua Phan, Xiengkhouang, the Plain of Jars, Luang Namtha and Attapeu, and collect materials for their creative work.

They will also share experience in writing and translating documents relating to the two countries? relations.

During 2012, the Vietnamese side invited Lao writers to attend the Asia-Pacific Poetry Festival and the 10th Vietnamese Poetry Day.

The two associations, together with the Cambodian counterpart, revised the regulations of the Mekong award.

They also exchanged delegations and organised field trips for writers during the Vietnam-Laos, Laos-Vietnam Friendship Year 2012.


Long Thanh Cam Gia Ca related stories


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Friday, December 28, 2012

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Patrick Dempsey Attempts To Buy Tully's Coffee To Save Jobs

LOS ANGELES ? Patrick Dempsey says he wants to rescue a coffee house chain and more than 500 jobs.

The "Grey's Anatomy" star said Wednesday he's leading a group attempting to buy Tully's Coffee. The Seattle-based company filed for Chapter 11 bankruptcy protection in October.

Dempsey said he's excited about the chance to help hundreds of workers and give back to Seattle.

The actor has a strong TV tie to the city: He plays Dr. Derek Shepherd on "Grey's Anatomy," the ABC drama set at fictional Seattle Grace Hospital.

Tully's has 47 company-run stores in Washington and California, as well as five franchised stores and 58 licensed locations in the U.S.

Any sale would have to be approved by a judge. A bankruptcy court hearing is set for Jan. 11 in Seattle.

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Thursday, December 27, 2012

New York newspaper provides road map for burglars (Powerlineblog)

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Amanda Reyes, Former Toy Store Manager, Claims Ex-Boss Coerced 'Rough' Sexual Relationship, Sues

A former manager of a New York City children's toy store is suing her ex-boss over what she says was a coercive sexual relationship, according to the New York Daily News.

Amanda Reyes, 26, alleges that Steven Reis, 60, the owner of Fantastic Kids Toys, forced her to "engage in an ongoing sexual relationship? that ?included increasing acts of ?rough? sexual activities, including hitting, slapping and biting,? in exchange for employment and rent, according to the lawsuit filed Friday.

Reyes, a single mother, started working at the store for $10 an hour in 2010 and was promoted to manager in March 2012. According to the lawsuit, this is when Reyes' relationship with the married Reis began.

Gothamist called the affair a "sadomasochistic nightmare," noting that Reyes' attorneys described it as a "manipulative master-servant type of relationship" that involved "role-playing and simulations."

Even after Reyes began dating an NYPD officer in June, Reis allegedly demanded the woman meet him at her apartment for sex twice a week.

As Jezebel points out, Reyes reportedly tried to break off the relationship and was fired from her $60,000-a-year job in late August.

Reis, reached at his Manhattan store by the New York Post on Dec. 24, would not comment on the lawsuit other than to call the accusations "false."

Of course, this is not the first time an employer has come under fire.

In November, the CEO of Waffle House was sued by a former employee, a single mother who alleged that she was forced to perform sex acts for 10 years in order to keep her job, according to the Associated Press.

The CEO, Joe W. Rogers Jr., claimed the charges were "extortion," but the woman accusing him allegedly taped some of their encounters.

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In Season :: Sweet Potato & Pomegranate Salad | Camille Styles

Sweet Potato & Pomegranate Salad / Love & Lemons for Camille Styles

It?s the day after Christmas, and food is quite possibly the farthest thing from my mind. Jeanine here, and among other holiday indulgences, I?ve eaten more cookies than I?d like to admit and I?m, well, full. But the holiday season is still a week from over, so I think it?s time for a healthy reprive?

Sweet Potato & Pomegranate Salad / Love & Lemons for Camille Styles

I love roasted sweet potatoes? don?t they make the perfect addition to a winter salad?

This one has been a favorite lately. Hearty roasted sweet potatoes tossed with tangy feta, sweet pomegranate seeds & toasted pistachios. It?s festive enough to bring to a holiday potluck, but simple enough to throw together for a weeknight dinner (and also lunch the following day if you make a little extra).

photos by?Love & Lemons

Sweet Potato & Pomegranate Salad

serves 2 as a main dish, 4 as a side

salad components:

  • 2 medium sweet potatoes, cubed, plus olive oil, salt & pepper for roasting
  • 2 cups baby salad greens?(baby kale, spinach, arugula, etc.)
  • 1/3 cup pomegranate seeds
  • 1/3 cup crumbled feta
  • 1/4 cup toasted pistachios, toasted & chopped
  • handful of chopped cilantro
  • 2-3 chopped scallions, white and green parts


  • 2 tablespoons olive oil
  • 1/2 clove minced garlic
  • 2 teaspoons honey
  • 1 teaspoon white wine vinegar
  • salt & pepper, to taste

  1. Roast the sweet potatoes:?Preheat your oven to 400 degrees. Chop the sweet potato into bite sized cubes. Drizzle with some olive oil, salt and pepper, and roast in the oven for 20-30 minutes, or until they start to edges start to turn darker and roasty.
  2. Make the dressing: Whisk together olive oil, vinegar, honey, garlic, salt & pepper. Taste & adjust. Set aside.
  3. Assemble all salad ingredients, toss lightly in the dressing.


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