Saturday, December 31, 2011

Hospice of the Valley pets featured in calendar

"; /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// function display_postings() { // Handle no postings situation if (allPostings.length == 1) { document.write(header); document.write("

Watch for Top Jobs coming to this space soon.

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" + displayPostings[i][0] + "

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" + displayPostings[i][0] + "

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" + displayPostings[i][1] + "

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" + displayPostings[i][2] + "

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" + displayPostings[i][2] + "

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" + displayPostings[i][0] + "

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" + displayPostings[i][0] + "
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" + displayPostings[i][0] + "

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" + displayPostings[i][2] + "
" + displayPostings[i][0] + "

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" + displayPostings[i][1] + "

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" + displayPostings[i][0] + "
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'); // Object already exists, it is probably a multi-select input, // and we need to generate a separator-delimited string // by appending to what we already have stored. } else { FORM_DATA[keyName] = keyValue; //document.write('The value of ' +keyName+ ' is:'+FORM_DATA[keyName]+'
'); // Normal case: name gets value. } } return FORM_DATA; } // MAINLINE FORM_DATA = createRequestObject(); // This is the array/object containing the GET data. // Retrieve information with 'FORM_DATA [ key ] = value'. // Display jobs display_postings();

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Friday, December 30, 2011

Syrian defectors hold fire amid Arab League visit (AP)

BEIRUT ? The rebel Free Syrian Army said Friday it has stopped its offensive against government targets during a month-long mission by Arab Legue monitors, saying it wants to expose how the regime is killing peaceful protesters.

The leader of the FSA, breakaway air force Col. Riad al-Asaad, said his troops have halted the attacks since the observers arrived on Tuesday. The government insists terrorists and gangs are driving nine months of crisis in Syria.

"We stopped to show respect to Arab brothers, to prove that there are no armed gangs in Syria, and for the monitors to be able to go wherever they want," al-Asaad told The Associated Press by telephone from his base in Turkey.

"We only defend ourselves now. This is our right and the right of every human being," he said, adding that his group will resume attacks after the observers finish their mission.

The Free Syrian Army says it is comprised of some 15,000 army defectors who abandoned the regime during the uprising. The group has claimed responsibility for attacks on government installations that have killed scores of soldiers and members of the security forces.

Also Friday, Russia's Foreign Ministry said an initial assessment by Arab League observers in Syria was "reassuring," even as activists reported fresh violence by security forces that killed at least nine people.

Moscow is one of Syria's few remaining allies following more than nine months of violence stemming from a massive protest movement. The United Nations says some 5,000 people have been killed in the government crackdown on dissent.

"Moscow appraises with satisfaction the real beginning of the Arab League activities in Syria," the Foreign Ministry said in a statement. The ministry noted that the Sudanese general who heads the mission visited the restive city of Homs.

"The situation there is reassuring, clashes have not been recorded," the statement said.

There is broad concern about whether Arab League member states, with some of the world's poorest human rights records, were fit for the mission to monitor compliance with a plan to end to the crackdown on political opponents by security forces loyal to President Bashar Assad.

On Friday, activists said security forces fired on protesters in the eastern city of Deir el-Zour, the southern city of Daraa and elsewhere, killing at least five people.

Another four were reported killed in the town of Talkalakh, near the border with Lebanon, in an ambush by government troops. It was not immediately clear why they were killed as the victims were not believed to be protesting at the time, activists said.

The presence of Arab League monitors in Syria has re-energized the anti-government protest movement, with tens of thousands turning out this week in cities and neighborhoods where the observers are expected to visit.

The huge rallies have been met by lethal gunfire from security forces, apparently worried about multiple mass sit-ins modeled after Cairo's Tahrir Square.

The Local Coordination Committees, an activist coalition, said at least 130 people, including six children, have been killed in Syria since the Arab observers began their one-month mission on Tuesday.

The nearly 100 Arab League monitors are the first Syria has allowed in during the nine-month anti-government uprising. They are supposed to ensure the regime complies with terms of the League plan to end President Bashar Assad's crackdown on dissent.

The plan, which Syria agreed to on Dec. 19, demands that the government remove its security forces and heavy weapons from cities, start talks with the opposition and allow human rights workers and journalists into the country. It also calls for the release of all political prisoners.

State-run TV said observers have reached Idlib province, which borders Turkey; Homs and the Damascus suburbs of Harasta and Douma. Activists said the army had either withdrawn or hid tanks in the mountains in Idlib.

On Thursday, security forces killed at least 26 people, four of them shot dead in the Damascus suburb of Douma during a protest by tens of thousands. The crowd had gathered at the mosque near to a municipal building where cars of the monitors had been spotted outside.

Authorities apparently are worried about multiple mass sit-ins modeled after Cairo's Tahrir Square, which was the focus of protests that toppled Egyptian president Hosni Mubarak in February.

The ongoing violence, and new questions about the human rights record of the head of the Arab League monitors, are reinforcing the opposition's view that Syria's limited cooperation with the observers is nothing more than a ploy by Assad's regime to buy time and forestall more international condemnation and sanctions.

Although the violence against protesters has not stopped, Rami Abdul-Raham, who heads the British-based Syrian Observatory for Human Rights, said the death toll would have probably been double what it is had there been no monitors on the ground.

In Washington, State Department spokeswoman Victoria Nuland on Thursday expressed concern that violence was continuing in Syria despite the presence of the monitors.

She said the monitors were providing "some space for public expression," citing videos on YouTube of a large democracy rally in Idlib, but insisted that Assad's regime needed to do more.

"It's not only a matter of deploying the monitors," she added. "It's a matter of the Syrian government living up to its commitments to withdraw heavy weapons from the cities; to stop the violence everywhere, which clearly has not happened; to release all political prisoners."


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Crocodile Tries To Eat Lawn Mower

A hungry saltwater crocodile named Elvis was apparently pretty hungry today.

He also showed an apparent affinity for household machinery when he charged at a worker at an Australian reptile park before trying to eat ... his lawn mower.

"Before we knew it, the crocodile had the mower above his head," Tim Faulkner said. "He got his jaws around the top and picked it up and took it underwater."

The reptile workers quickly left Elvis alone to enjoy his newly acquired mower, which he sat by until he was bribed with some Kangaroo meat to relinquish it.

Here's some footage of the croc's delicious meal:


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Thursday, December 29, 2011

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Ziplipproblem with android market login.

I recently buyed a samsung galaxy5 n it had a gmail a/c already logged in so i cant remove that a/c or download anything frm market. I tried to formate my phn that is also not plz do help me out.


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No. 2 Ohio State beats Northwestern 87-54 (AP)

COLUMBUS, Ohio ? Northwestern coach Bill Carmody was in mid-thought when he suddenly said of Ohio State's William Buford, "I don't know if you'd call it his team but ... he's a senior, right?"

Told that Buford was, indeed, the second-ranked Buckeyes' only senior, Carmody muttered, "Thank God."

Buford had career-highs of 28 points and five 3-pointers as Ohio State showed off its perimeter shooting in an 87-54 victory over Northwestern on Wednesday night in the Big Ten opener for both teams.

"I was just shooting the ball," said Buford, who was 9 of 14 from the field including 5 of 7 on 3-pointers. "I was fortunate to knock them down because my teammates were setting great screens for me. They kept telling me to shoot."

Next-to-last in the conference in 3-pointers at 4.8 per game, the Buckeyes hit seven in the first half to build a big lead and finished 10 for 20 from long range.

"We were saving it," Ohio State coach Thad Matta cracked.

It wasn't just a bunch of guys firing up shots from a distance, either. Jared Sullinger added 17 points and 14 rebounds for the Buckeyes (13-1, 1-0), who dominated the boards 49-30.

Deshaun Thomas had 16 points for Ohio State, which broke the game open with a 13-0 first-half run fueled by 3-pointers. Jordan Sibert added 12 points, all on 3s.

"Thad said at the end when we shook hands, `This was about as good as we can play,'" Carmody said, adding "And we had a lot to do with that."

The conference's top two scorers, John Shurna and Drew Crawford, had miserable games. They were held to 11 and 13 points, respectively, on a combined 9-for-30 shooting.

The loss was the 31st straight for the Wildcats (10-3) in Columbus, dating to 1977.

Even when Northwestern pared what was a 19-point lead down to 12 in the second half, the Buckeyes pulled away again and Buford led the way.

He hit four free throws in a 10-3 run ? all the points coming at the line ? to push the lead to 59-39 with 11:55 left. By then, a refreshed Sullinger and point guard Aaron Craft, who sat out for several minutes due to foul trouble, were back on the court and the game was well in hand for Ohio State.

With Shurna and Crawford struggling ? shadowed wherever they went, taking bad shots when they did get a chance ? the Buckeyes took a 41-26 halftime lead.

The pace favored the Wildcats in the early going. They pulled to a tie at 13 on Davide Curletti's 3 at the 12:16 mark.

But the Buckeyes suddenly found the range behind the arc and the game teetered in their favor.

Sibert, just 8 for 31 on 3-pointers coming in, hit 3 of 4, as did Buford. Sibert's 3 ignited a 13-0 rally as the Buckeyes held the Wildcats scoreless for 4:36.

Craft had smacked Sibert's shooting hand in practice recently. Sibert said he had torn ligaments in it, but Sullinger joked that it was just "a little bruise."

The injury certainly didn't seem to bother him.

His four 3s and 12 points were career-highs.

"I had kind of gotten complacent in the spring and summer shooting and I didn't work as hard as I felt I needed to," he said. So he shot 400 or 500 extra shots per night with managers chasing down rebounds.

Matta joked that Sibert's shooting is so much better with the injured hand that even if it required surgery, Sibert would have to play through the pain.

"We're not going to fix it," Matta said, laughing. "We're going to leave it be."

Thomas continued the spurt by hitting a short jumper before Buford nailed a 3 and then made the play of the game. Shurna muscled past the smaller Craft and broke free for a short jumper but Buford went high to block it.

That seemed to set the tone for the rest of the surge. Sibert hit another 3 and Buford followed with a perimeter jumper that was first signaled a 3 but then discounted to a two-point basket after a video review.

The lead never dropped below 11 points again as Ohio State won its 34th straight home game and stayed perfect at home against Northwestern since 1977.

Buford, who came in averaging 8 points and 4 rebounds in five previous games against Northwestern, had 13 points and 7 rebounds at halftime.

Sullinger said Buford has grown into being a leader after remaining quiet for much of his first couple of years on campus.

"Will's doing a great job," he said. "He's more vocal. He's taking on a lot more of the leadership on himself this year."

Sibert said that with an Ohio State team that only has one senior and one junior (backup post Evan Ravenel), Buford has had a profound effect on the younger players.

"We look to Will," he said. "He finds a way to make sure our team stays in rhythm."


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Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Cuando el futuro nos alcance: ?tendremos un Robot de Apple antes de que acabe el siglo?

Carlos Burges escribe sobre el por qu? de la imposibilidad (??) de conseguir un humanoide inteligente en este siglo: Cuando el futuro nos alcance: ?tendremos un Robot de Apple antes de que acabe el siglo?.

?Como Moravec dijo: ?es f?cil comparativamente conseguir que las computadoras muestren capacidades similares a las de un humano adulto en tests de inteligencia, y dif?cil o imposible lograr que posean las habilidades perceptivas y motrices de un beb? de un a?o?.

Marvin Minsky escribi? ?En general, no somos conscientes de nuestras mejores habilidades?, a?adiendo que ?somos m?s conscientes de los peque?os procesos que nos cuestan que en los complejos que se realizan de forma fluida??


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